National Marine Aquarium

Every Friday for the next half term the National Marine Aquarium will be delivering free live lessons via YouTube.

Each week there will be two sessions:

1:00pm to 1:20pm is a ‘Deep Science’ lesson which will see the schools team using aquarium exhibits and their AquaLab to explore the science behind the animated ocean tv series ‘The Deep’. There will be fascinating facts and real time experiments, as well as ideas to follow up with at home!

1:30pm to 1:45pm will be ‘Mermaid Tales’ which will involve a short story narrated by the resident mermaid, Marina!

Home star of the week!

A huge well done to Tilly who is our first home star of the week!

It has been great to see how hard you have all been working at home and seeing all of your work has made us very proud, keep sending your work in to the year 3 team as we loved seeing all of your efforts this week and keeping in contact with you.

Blob opera!

A bit of fun for a Friday afternoon, below is a link to create your own ‘Blob Opera’ while also learning about different types of vocals/singing!

Blob opera


Friday afternoon is usually our art lesson so we thought we would stick to that, have a go at following the instructions from the video linked below. Don’t forget that we would love to see your finished artwork, you can email your photos to the year 3 team if possible.

Art lesson


Friday 8th January

Each Friday we will be continuing with our spellings, it would be great if there is a grown up at home who could give you a test like we do in school (but don’t worry if not)! We will also be posting the new spellings on the website each week for you to start practising, remember that you can use Spelling Shed to do this – if you need any help logging on then please let us know.

The spellings for this week are:

Mrs Weston’s Set                                             

  1. like
  2. dislike
  3. understand
  4. misunderstand
  5. complete
  6. incomplete
  7. credible
  8. incredible
  9. famous
  10. forward

Mr Hylton’s Set

  1. like
  2. dislike
  3. understand
  4. misunderstand
  5. complete
  6. incomplete
  7. credible
  8. incredible

Miss Owen’s Set

  1. happy
  2. heavy
  3. angry
  4. happier
  5. heavier
  6. angrier
  7. happiest
  8. heaviest
  9. angriest

You can also have a go at this BBC lesson on homophones, it focuses of their, there and they’re which is something we all find a bit tricky! Work through the lesson and have a go at the activities.

Their, there and they’re

Chester Zoo Live

This morning at 10am Chester Zoo will be going live again with a virtual zoo tour.  All you need to do is go to their You Tube or Facebook page and tune in!


Thursday afternoons are usually our P.E lesson so follow the link below to a lesson you can complete at home, we always really enjoy doing these in school! Remember to let us know how you got on!


Literacy 7.1.21

Thursday 7th January

For today’s literacy have a go at some handwriting practise, there is a booklet below which you could have a go at (not all of it!) either by printing it off or by following the instructions on your own paper.  If you have problems getting the booklet then find a book and copy some of the text in your neatest handwriting, remember to really think about the size of your tall letters (b,d,h,l,k) and that your hanging letters are below the line (y,g,p,q).

handwriting booklet

This should only take about 10-15 minutes.

Next, have a look at this BBC lesson on compound words:

Compound words

Work through the lesson and complete the activities.




Even though the start of this new year might look different for many of us as part of our PSHE work this week we were planning on thinking about our new year resolutions, it would be lovely if you could draw a picture of yourself in 2021 (maybe put the year at the top of your page like a banner) and all of the things around you that you would like to achieve. We know how creative you all are in Year 3 so can’t wait to see them!



Morning everyone! Here is some literacy work for you to start with:

  1. Reading

Make sure that you read something today, it could be your reading book, a book from home, a magazine or something that you find online. Make a note of this in your reading diary.

2. Write about your Christmas

The PowerPoint below goes through everything that you need to include

Tuesday 5th January

If you can’t access the PowerPoint then remember to use full stops and capital letters, try and think of some interesting adjectives to describe. You could draw some pictures to help you organise your writing; think about things that you ate, people that you saw, presents you gave or received and places you went.

Remember you can send your work or photos of your work into the year 3 email address, we would love to hear what you have been up to!




Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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