Odd socks day!

Year 3 looked great in their odd socks today, well done everyone!

Remembrance Day

The children worked really hard this afternoon to create some lovely poppy art for Remembrance Day.


This week we are looking at Myths in literacy, the children listened to the story of ‘King Midas’ this morning, they thought really carefully about the message behind it and had a great time creating their own crowns for our ‘hot seating’ lesson tomorrow! Well done everyone.

Autumn 2 Spellings

This half term the children in Mrs Weston’s and Mr Hylton’s literacy sets will be focusing on words with the prefixes un-, dis-, mis- and in- as well as words using ‘y’ as the ‘i’ sound (gym, myth) and ‘u’ spelt ‘ou’ (country, young).

Well done for all of your hard work with spellings so far!

Pen Licence

Congratulations to three children who have received their pen licences! They’ve worked extremely hard and their handwriting is beautiful.  We’re on the lookout all the time for  other children who will be able to join them.

Rosa Parks

During assembly we have been learning about Rosa Parks, the children in Year 3 have produced some wonderful portraits of her using different media.

Literacy resources

Follow the link below and watch the video ‘Spy Fox’

Spy Fox

Have a go at writing the next adventure, you can choose your own villain!

Don’t forget that you can email your stories to the us, we look forward to reading them.

Time Capsule


We’d be really interested to see what you would put in your time capsules during this time!

Time Capsule

Online resources

Another great resource to help with learning from home can be found here:

Oak National Academy

There are video lessons added each week across a range of subjects.

Spelling Shed

Don’t forget that you can practice your spellings by logging onto spelling shed; you will be able to practice the Year 4 100 spellings.

Spelling Shed

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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