Year 3 Science

This week in Science as part of our ‘Animals including humans’ topic we have been investigating animal diets. As part of this we dissected some owl pellets, the were fascinated by what they found!


Year 3 Design and Technology

This week we have been busy in Year 3 finishing our DT project, the children have shown fantastic perseverance skills in order to complete their purses.

Year 3 New Rules Day!

We have had a fantastic day in year 3 for ‘New Rules Day!’ Not only lots of new rules but also some new teachers too!

Year 3 Pedestrian Training

This week, we were joined by Dianne from ‘Travel Telford’ to complete our pedestrian training course. The children learnt all about the green cross code and how to stay safe when crossing the road. They all listened really carefully and Dianne was very impressed with how well they completed their practical assessment.

Year 3 ‘Bikeability’

This week some of the children took part in a ‘Bikeability’ course, they listened really carefully and learned lots of new skills.

Year 3 Chinese Art

This week in art we have been looking at examples of Ming Porcelain, we then created our own plates in this style.

Year 3 World Book Day

We have been so impressed this morning with the effort that everyone has made for ‘World Book Day’, we have had a lovely morning so far discussing our favourite books and sharing stories with the children in reception!

Year 3 Author visit

Yesterday, as part of Reading Focus Week the year 3 children were visited by the local author Roy Bradshaw.

He shared his book ‘Konk the White Crocodile’ and the children then created models of the main character.

Year 3 Shadows

This week in Science we have been investigating shadows. We looked at how they changed when the light source moves closer or further away.

Y3 Nativity scenes

Year 3 have created some brilliant nativity scenes after listening to the Christmas story this week.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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