Year 3 Literacy

This week in Literacy we have been looking at different shape poems, we decided to write our own about autumn. The children tried really hard to include similes and alliteration, they had some fantastic ideas!

Year 3 trip to Exotic Zoo

This week year 3 spent the day at Exotic Zoo as part of our ‘Rocks’ topic in Science. We took part in a workshop all about fossils and spent time in the museum. All of the children had a brilliant day and showed all of our school values throughout the trip. Well done Year 3!

Year 3 Recycling Week

Today as part of recycling week the children have been designing and making their own cardboard robots!

We were really impressed with how creative they were. 😊

Welcome Back

We hope you have all had a lovely summer break, we are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on Wednesday.

Spelling Shed

The children have all now been given their login details for Spelling Shed, this is a great online resource for practising spellings which can be found here: Spelling Shed.

If you have any issues logging on then please let us know.

We have also looked at lots of different ways to practise spellings in school, below are just a few ideas:

  • Write each word out three times (you could use different colours)
  • Cut out letters from newspapers or magazines and use them to make your spelling words.
  • Make a pyramid using the letters in your words eg. w

.                                                                                         w o

.                                                                                         w o r

.                                                                                         w o r d

  • Write your spellings in alphabetical order, you could then write them in order using the second/third letter.
  • Time challenge – how many times can you write your spellings in a given time? You can try and beat your score throughout the week.
  • Put your spellings into sentences, see if your can make a story with them.
  • You can write each letter of your spellings using a different colour or even use bubble writing.
  • Include each spelling in a picture that makes you think of the word.

Podiatrist Visit

This week year 3 were lucky enough to have a visit from Faye who is a podiatrist, they learnt all about how Faye uses science in her job and the different tests that she might carry out on a patient. The children really enjoyed it and listened really carefully.

New Brighton Trip

Yesterday, we visited New Brighton beach as part of our ‘coasts’ topic in Geography.

We had an absolutely fantastic time, the children all represented the school so well and were able to pick out physical and human features on the beach.

Design and Technology

Our topic in DT at the moment is ‘Functions of Fabric’, we have been learning all about different types of fabric and their properties and have even had a go at creating our own fabric by weaving. The children have all shown great perseverance

Author visit

This morning Mrs Weston’s literacy set were lucky enough to be visited by the author Jessica Keane. She spoke to us all about becoming an author and read some of her book with us all about Mia the cat, she has kindly donated a copy to school so we can find out what happens next!  Jessica used to be a vet so she also shared lots of interesting facts about the forest animals she writes about.


This week in literacy we have been looking at rhyming poems, the children have all written their own rhyming Easter poems, here are just a few!

There are flowers all over the lawn,
Animals are being born.
Easter is when Jesus died,
The man who never lied.
I hope I get at least one egg,
The Easter bunny made a track with his leg.
Easter is a wonderful day,
It’s just like a holiday.
I hope I get a treat from the bunny,
Last year I got chocolate topped with honey! (By Ben)

It’s time for spring,
Let’s see what the Easter bunny will bring.
The Easter bunny,
Well he was very funny!
The bunny did hop,
Then his ears did flop.
Eggs are hidden in the ground,
There’s one that has been found.
There is something sweet,
Maybe it’s a treat? (By Mira)

It was a sunny day in spring,
I wonder what the Easter bunny will bring?
The bunny did a hop,
And I said stop.
We put up decorations,
And have wonderful celebrations! (By Madelyn)


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