Big Battery Hunt

This year we are taking part in ‘The Big Battery Hunt’. This is a nationwide programme which aims to help educate and inspire young people to recycle more used batteries.

We are hoping to recycle as many batteries as possible to be in with a chance of winning some amazing prizes for school!

If you have any batteries at home please bring them into school so we can recycle them and add them to our total, we will keep you updated with how many we manage to collect. ?

If you want to find out more please visit the Big Battery Hunt website.





As part of our light topic in Science we made the most of some sunshine and went outside to make our own shadows.

Light investigation

This week in Science we have been carrying out a fair test as part of our light topic, the children were investigating which material would block out light best. They made predictions and then tested the materials to see if they were right.  A big thank you to our caretaker Gary for creating our ‘dark caves’. ?

Dogs Trust Workshops

This afternoon Year 3 welcomed Alison from Dogs Trust who delivered some very interesting workshops all about how children should act around dogs they might come into contact with out in public as well as some very interesting tips about how to look after their own dogs. The children all listened really carefully and shared some fantastic ideas.



As part of our ‘Rocks’ topic in science we have been learning all about fossils which the children have really enjoyed. They have found out all about Mary Anning – the greatest ever fossil hunter and learned about the two different types of fossil – trace and body. They have especially enjoyed making their own fossils.


This week in literacy we started looking at non-chronological reports. We had a great lesson identifying and finding the features and the children are all really looking forward to writing their own next week!

The week in year 3

We had a very busy week in year 3:

In Science we were learning about seed dispersal and all the different ways this can happen. We made our own sycamore seeds and tested how they work.

Digital Camera


In Numeracy we were learning all about capacity so had a lovely practical lesson outside estimating and testing the capacity of different containers.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera


Congratulations to Year 3 again for receiving the most lunchtime points during the week, they have definitely been showing all of our school values and their treat was well deserved!

With the weather being so warm there was only one thing for it… lollies in the shade!

Lunchtime points!

Year 3 were very excited to have been awarded the most lunchtime points this week, they thought very carefully about a treat that they would all enjoy and eventually decided on an extra play on the adventure playground and no homework this week!

Well done Year 3, very well deserved. 😁


As part of our ‘Animals including humans’ topic the children in year 3 investigated animal diets by dissecting owl pellets! The children all found this really interesting and were amazed at all the different bones that they found!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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