
This week in Science as part of our ‘Animals including humans’ topic we have been learning all about the muscles in our body and how they work. To help us understand we made some models using elastic bands as muscles.

Exotic Zoo

Yesterday we had some very interesting visitors in school all the way from Exotic Zoo! All of the children were able to take part in an assembly where they learned about the animals with some fascinating facts thrown in too! I wonder if the children can remember the names of the animals we met?

National Numeracy Day!

Yesterday, as part of national numeracy day we enjoyed taking part in some special numeracy activities.



This term year 3 are looking at the work of Andy Warhol, today we looked at some of his artwork and then had a go at printing using our hands to create a repeated pattern. The results were fantastic, well done year 3!

DT Homework

To link with our DT topic of British inventors we are asking the children to come up with their own idea for a new invention over the Easter holidays.

We have found some interesting BBC programmes about inventions and inventors which the children might like to watch.

We’re really looking forward to seeing the children’s ideas!

Music 🎶

We have had a very musical afternoon in Year 3, the children were very excited to welcome Mr Hylton back and even more excited when they saw the recorders! They learnt all about the musical family recorders belong to, how to hold the recorder correctly and how to play the note B.


This week 3W enjoyed a fantastic dance session during their P.E lesson, they were all absolutely amazing and it was lovely to see them enjoying it so much. I know the other classes are now very excited for their sessions over the coming weeks!

Black dot challenge!

3W were set the challenge to turn this black dot:

into anything they wanted!

They produced some really creative responses!


Mrs Weston’s maths set have really been enjoying our statistics topic, we have been able to gather our own data and record this using a tally chart and this morning we used the information to create bar charts.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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