
As part of our ‘Light’ topic in science we have been looking at shadows, we made the most of the sun coming out to go outside and create our own!

Chinese New Year

We have been very busy in year 3 learning all about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated, the children have really enjoyed it and produced some fantastic pieces of work.

Friday’s Work

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is some work for you to complete if you are still learning at home.


This morning we are focusing on our 6 times table, you could try listening to this song to help you recall them.

Then, have a go at working through this booklet

Don’t forget to log on to Times Table Rockstars too!

If you have someone to help you then you can ask them to test you on this weeks spellings.

Then spend some time practising your new spellings which are:

Mrs Weston and Miss Bradley’s sets:










Mr Perry’s set:







Remember some really great ways for you to learn your spellings are:

rainbow writing – write each letter in a different colour

backwards writing – try writing your spellings backwards

hidden words – find smaller words in your spellings

silly sentences – make up some silly sentences using your spelling words.

Don’t forget that you can log on to spelling shed too!

Here is today’s guided reading –
Amazing Facts About the Human Body


In art today we will be looking at the artist Vincent Van Gogh, have a read through this fact sheet about him.

Then watch this video and have a go at the techniques. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil!

Thursday’s Work

Good morning, here is some work for today:


We are continuing to recap money but are moving on from pence and are looking at counting in £’s. You can work through this PowerPoint Thursday – counting money (pounds).

You can then have a look at these questions: counting pounds


Here is today’s guided reading –How to Make a Perfect Mud Pie

Today in literacy we would like you to have a go at a piece of writing. Read through this sheet and use it as a starting point for your writing –The magic escalator


Thursday is our P.E day so you can join in with this cosmic kids video

Wednesday’s Work


We are continuing with money today, you could have a go at this game you have to make the correct amount of money using the coins given.

Try this worksheet, you will need to think carefully about how many coins are in each jar.

Challenge: How many different ways can you make 53p?


Today we will be looking at suffixes, this website will give you a recap.

Then have a look in more detail at adding the suffix -ly

Then try this suffix -ly worksheet.

Here is today’s guided reading –The Final Challenge

This afternoon we will be continuing with our Science topic of light, you can watch this online lesson all about how shadows are formed.

Then have a go at answering these light and shadows questions

Tuesday’s Work

In Numeracy we will be continuing our work on money, today is looking at
Wednesday – counting money (pence)

When you have worked through the PowerPoint have a go at the worksheet:
Counting money in pence

In Literacy today we are going to be looking at prefixes, this website will give you a reminder about them.

Then have a go at this prefix sorting activity.

As a challenge have a go at putting the words into sentences – don’t forget your punctuation!

Here is today’s guided reading activity –Meg’s Mission

This afternoon we will be starting our new Geography topic. Have a look at this online lesson all about Europe.

Then see if you can locate the countries of Europe.

Monday’s work

Good morning, we hope you all managed to have a nice weekend. For those of you still learning at home here is today’s work:


We are going to be looking at money in Numeracy, watch this video to familiarise yourself with the coins we use.

Then you can have a go at calculating how much money is in each of the jars.

If you need a challenge then have a go at this –
Greater than or less than

We would like you to have a look at homophones today – this is something that we quite often get confused with, it is tricky to remember which word to use when!

Have a look at the information on the BBC website and you can also try the quizzes too.

You can then have a go at this Homophones activity.

We have guided reading each day in school so have a go at this reading activity

You could also spend some time practising your handwriting

In P.H.S.E this afternoon we are going to be thinking about our worries and how we can cope with these. Have a look at this worksheet and try and think of things that you can do to cope with any worries you may have.

Friday Work

Good morning, here is the work for those of you learning from home:


Friday is always our spelling day, spend some time practising your spellings – remember using spelling shed is a really good way to do this! If you can, ask someone at home if they can test you on your spellings.

Here are this weeks new spellings for you to have a look at:

Mrs Weston’s and Miss Bradley’s set:

  1. happy
  2. happily
  3. gentle
  4. gently
  5. terrible
  6. terribly
  7. heavily
  8. miserably
  9. learn
  10. material

Mr Perry’s set:

  1. floor
  2. door
  3. beautiful
  4. important
  5. because
  6. parents

Have a go at using each one in a sentence, don’t forget your punctuation!

Challenge…use as many as you can in one sentence – it can be as silly sentence. 😀


On Friday we always recap our learning so far in numeracy, have a go at these Arithmetic questions which cover all four calculations. Think about the methods we have looked at in class.

We would also like you to spend some time practising your times tables, you could challenge yourself by timing how long it takes for you to fill in this multiplication square. Can you repeat it and beat your time?

This afternoon we will be continuing our art topic, we looked at the artist Claude Monet.

You can remind yourself about him by reading through this Monet fact file.

Monet liked to paint the same scene at different times of the day to capture different lights. Look carefully at these two paintings, they are both of the houses of parliament but they look very different. When do you think each one was painted? Can you make a list of the similarities and differences?

Now have a go at creating your own Houses of Parliament picture, think carefully about the colours to use. You can use any media you like – crayon, felt tips or paint.



Thursday’s Work

Here is the work for Thursday:


We have now covered multiplication and division so let’s put it into practise with some worded problems, remember to look back at previous posts if you need to recap anything.

Year 3 Multiplication and Division Word Problems


Continuing with our David Walliams focus, watch this video of his book ‘There’s a snake in my school’ being read.

Now imagine you meet one of the characters (it could be Miranda or Miss Bloat) write down some questions you could ask them and then think about how they might answer them.

You could also complete a .character profile

Thursday is our P.E day so it would be great if you are feeling up to it to take part in one of Joe Wick’s P.E lessons to help you keep active! You could choose one of these to try.

Have a great day 😀


Home learning

Good morning, we hope the children who are at home are not feeling too unwell, here is some work for you to complete if you are feeling up to it. 😀


In literacy we are going to be looking at using pronouns

Have a look at the resources on the BBC website that can be found here all about pronouns. Then have a go at this Personal Pronouns worksheet and fill in the missing words.

Can you challenge yourself and write some of your own sentences?

Try and spend some time reading and don’t forget to practise your spellings as well.


We have been looking at division using bus stop method, have a look at this video to remind yourself what to do. Then try these questions.

Don’t forget to practise your times tables on TTR’s too!

This afternoon we will be continuing with our Science topic of light.

We are going to be looking at shadows. Have a look at this Shadows to find out more about how shadows are formed. There is an investigation for you to have a go at, you will need a light source and an object to create a shadow. You can record your results here or alternatively draw a picture or even take a photo!

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