Forest School

Another fantastic week in the forest, despite the not ideal weather conditions we managed to get our first camp fire going!


This half term our science topic is rocks, we tested different rocks for hardness and permeability as well as using our observation skills to look at appearance.

The children all worked really hard as part of a group and reported their findings back to the class.


We have been looking at different sentence types in literacy, the children have completed some fantastic group work this morning and all worked together really well.

Forest Schools

Some of the children in 3W have had a fantastic afternoon in the forest today, they all had a great time exploring, bug hunting and making shelters all finished off with a hot chocolate!😊

Summer Art

The children have produced some fantastic pieces of summer themed artwork this week using mixed media. Well done 😊

Dissecting owl pellets!

As part of our ‘Animals including humans’ science topic this half term we have been learning about skeletons so what better way to find out more than with some hands on experience! Today the children have been dissecting owl pellets to look for bones that haven’t been digested, they have all absolutely loved this activity. We found so many bones and tried to identify them, we think we have found some skulls, radius, fibulas and lots of vertebrae.


We have had a very exciting day in Year 3, throughout the day the children have been lucky enough to watch four of our butterflies emerge from their cocoons. It was amazing to watch! The children have made sure they have some fruit to eat over the weekend and we will be releasing them next week.


In literacy we have been looking at the children’s author Jill Murphy, the children have really enjoyed reading some of her books and this week have written a letter to her. We are hoping that she might reply!

Mrs Weston’s spellings

Over the next few week our focus will be on adding the suffix -tion to root words, for example; act – action.

We are also looking at ch making the ‘k’ sound (chemist) and the ‘sh’ sound (chef).

Andy Warhol Art

We have been looking at the work of Andy Warhol in art, we have used a printing technique to create repeating patterns and the children have all really enjoyed having a go at producing some of their own pop art inspired work of famous faces and logos.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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