Year 5 spellings 10.5.24

Spellings for the week:


Set 1: sincere, stomach, twelfth, soldier, suggest, system, vegetable, variety, vehicle, immediate

Set 2: sincere, stomach, twelfth, soldier, suggest, system, vegetable, variety

Set 3: sincere, stomach, twelfth, soldier, suggest, system

History Nearby!

A fantastic opportunity to see some real History nearby! 

Click the image to book your tickets!

History Team

Debating- 10 by 10 celebration event

Today some of our debate team joined lots of other schools from Telford to celebrate the 10 by 10 event. The children saw performances and presentations on what is on offer for them in the borough and even got a special mention for all their hard work in debating! They particularly enjoyed the cakes and balloons!
If you want to find out more about the council’s 10 by 10 campaign, you can find more information on their website:

Miss Rogers’ little helper!

This evening Miss Rogers had some help planning Year 5 maths… Max her new puppy! He has been trying really hard to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 but he has a long way to go yet!

Black History Month Competition

For Black History month we are running a History competition! Children are asked to create a poster about a famous person in black history and hand it in to Miss Rogers (year 5) by the end of this half term (21st October). There will be a prize for each year group so make sure you clearly name and label your work with your year group as well.

Each week the History team will be sharing some information about a famous person to help inspire the children. This week the information is all about Mae Jemison.

Mae Jemison Fact File

Ice Ice Skating

We would like to say a huge WELL DONE! to all of year 4. They were super sensible and amazing ambassadors for St George’s Primary School. Every child, whether confident or not confident, gave it a good go. We had plenty of slips, lots of bumps but millions of smiles. Thank you for such a lovely trip everyone!



Miss Rogers (Jayne Torvill) and Mr Richards (Christopher Dean)

Home learning 1.2.22

Good morning, home learners!

We hope you are all doing okay 🙂

Maths: This morning, we are continuing to look at area and how many squares fill a shape. Counting Squares. Here is the worksheet to go along with the slides Worksheet

Literacy: We are now moving on to looking at poems. Have a read of our new poem and see what you think of it. How does it make you feel? Can you notice anything? Tuesday – Shape of The River

PE: Can you remember any of our GoNoodle routines?

If there are any problems, please feel free to email the year group email 🙂

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