Home learning- Final week before Christmas!!!

Good morning, Year 4!

This is the final week before Christmas! Woohoo! 🙂

For any children needing to complete their learning from home this week:


Monday: We are looking at the Christmas story today so have a look at the sheet. What can you remember? Can you put the different events in the correct order?cfe-re-231-the-nativity-differentiated-sequencing-activity-sheet-_ver_1

To complete our Science topic of electricity, please have a think about the unit we have just focussed on. Can you fill in this sheet to help remind you? What I have learned, electricity

Tomorrow is our Christmas party so we are going to be decorating our own place mat. If you would like to colour it and make one for yourself, you are more than welcome 🙂t-tp-2675451-empty-place-setting-colouring-sheet_ver_1

Tuesday: Have a look at this Christmas elf crossword. How much of it can you do on your own without a grown up?t2-e-4595-ks2-christmas-elf-crossword-activity-sheet-english_ver_1

We are also going to make our Christmas hats for our party in the afternoon. Here is a template for an elf hat! t-tp-2660673-elf-hat-template_ver_1

Christmas party!!!!

Wednesday: Today is Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day!!!

This morning we are going to be making Christmas decorations. We will be using lots of glitter and art resources! If you do not have this at home, can you make some paper snowflakes for your windows? Or maybe a paper chain to decorate?

Have a look at this Christmas code breaker activity: t2-m-17128-ks2-christmas-code-breaker-differentiated-differentiated-activity-sheets-english_ver_1

Thursday: Can you research how different countries celebrate Christmas? How does Father Christmas appear in different countries? Use these posters to help you 🙂



Father Christmas is visiting us at 11am! 🙂 We will then be doing some mindfulness colouring.christmas-candy-cane-mindfulness-coloring-decorations-us-ac-9_ver_1

Thursday afternoon we are making Christmas cards for someone special to us.

Now you have learned all about Christmas from around the world and Father Christmas, can you design him a new sleigh?



Christmas times table colouring- similar to your homework!t-t-2545349-christmas-multiplication-mosaic-activity-sheets_ver_5

Can you design Mr Richards a new Christmas jumper? Can you do it using only 3 different colours though? Mr Richards Jumper – 3 marker challenge

We will be ending the week watching Nativity or The Grinch 🙂

Merry Christmas, Year 4 🙂



Home learning 6.12.21 and 7.12.21

Good afternoon,

Apologies for the late upload today!

In case any children require work to be completed from home:

Literacy: We have been looking at inference as a reading comprehension skill. This is all about finding clues and hints in a text in order to make an informed response to a question. The answer will not always be clearly given in the text; we have to decide for ourselves. Attached are some example questions to get you to start thinking in this way.  First level inference tasks  Second level inference tasks


Maths: We have been looking at multiplying by 10 and 100. The worksheets are included in the PowerPoints. x by 10 


Computing: Today we have looked on PurpleMash to explore different parts of a computer. There is work set on there already. If you need a reminder of your log in details for this, please pop the year group email a request and we will get it back to you ASAP.

Home Learning 3.12.21

Happy Friday!

Literacy: New spellings are on SpellingShed today! Get a head start and learn next week’s spellings 🙂

Maths: Have a look at this arithmetic test. What can you remember? Y4-Arithmetic-Full-Test-1

PM: We have been sewing this week so if you can have a try of these skills at home, that would be fantastic. If not:

Can you design a new front cover for your favourite book? 🙂

Have a great weekend!

Home Learning 1.12.21

Good Morning!

The children learning from home today can complete the following:

Maths: We have been looking at perimeter in maths over the last week or so. Have a look at these word problems. Have a look at the units- what do you notice? Questions

Literacy: In our English lessons we have recently looked at speech marks. Have a look at this work- where would you add in the speech marks? How do you know this?Spot the Missing Speech Marks

Advent: During the time of Advent, Christians light 5 candles to symbolise different things. Hope, Faith, Joy, Peace and finally the candle for Christ. Have a look these candles, what does each mean to you? au-t-10001278-my-advent-candles_ver_1

Have a lovely day! 🙂

Home Learning 30.11.21

Good morning!

For the children completing their learning from home today:

Literacy: Please practice your spellings! This is a great opportunity to also practice your handwriting. Spellings should also be on spelling shed. t2-e-5081-year-3-and-4-statutory-spellings-handwriting-practice-activity-sheets-_ver_1

Maths: We are encouraging all the children to work hard on their number bonds at the moment. These should be their number bonds to 10, 100 and 1000. Attached is an activity for number bonds to 100. t2-m-1828-ultimate-number-bond-to-100-activity-sheet

PE: (Obviously if you feel up to it!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3LPrhI0v-w

Have a great day! 🙂

Home Learning 29.11.21

Good morning!

For those children that are completing their learning from home today we have the following:

Literacy:  Have a look at this reading comprehension. Pick the version appropriate for your set- eg. Set 1 try the 3 star comprehension, set 2 the 2 star and set 3 the 3 star. The answers are also included. t2-e-41429-ks2-all-about-plastic-pollution-differentiated-reading-comprehens_ver_8

Maths: Practice times tables!! There is currently a battle on TimesTable Rockstars!

R.E: We are looking at the fifth pillar of Islam.

Have a think about any places in the world that you would like to visit. Why? How could you get there?


Watch the video and listen carefully for the information. What is the pilgrimage? Why is it important to Muslims?

You make a poster detailing your thoughts and findings.


Have a lovely day!

Home Learning

Good morning,

We hope everyone is doing okay 🙂 This post is for those children completing some home learning in year 4 currently.


We have moved on to our Charlie and the Chocolate factory topic which has so far consisted of sweetie tasting (for description inspiration) and reading the book. If you have a copy of the book, you could try and read up to page 65 as this would help your work. We then thought of some adjectives and similes to describe the shopkeeper and how Charlie would be feeling eating chocolate bars. The following PowerPoints would help with this work and show the new spellings. 🙂

Thursday 18th November No Golden Ticket

Friday 19th November – New spellings



In maths we are now looking at length in our measures topic. We have been looking at mm, cm and m. How big are each one? What do we use them for?

We are moving forward now onto perimeter and the following PPTs would help with this also:

Perimeter on a grid

Recapping mm, cm and m

As well as this, there are battles on TimesTable Rockstars for the whole of year 4 to get involved in 🙂


Children in need:

We will be completing some mindfulness colouring, acrostic poems for Children in Need and even trying to make our own word search.



We hope you all have a lovely weekend 🙂

World Science Day 2021

The year 4 children have carried out and observed an experiment for World Science Day. They started by releasing some juice from a citrus fruit, added food colouring (for lava effect!), washing up liquid (for extra bubbles) and finally some bicarbonate of soda. Some even felt brave enough to squeeze extra fruit juice on top, creating their fruit volcano!

Converting length!

This week in year 4 we are looking at measurements and different units of measure.

Today we have completed some conversion work to do with length and the children would like to share it with you!

Home Learning

Good morning,

For those of you that are learning from home today, we have attached the work we would have been completing in school 🙂


Maths: Thursday – Bus Stop

Literacy: How do we see

               Thursday – Reading Comprehension

Afternoon: We will be doing PE this afternoon so we suggest a Joe Wicks video on YouTube or your favourite JustDance songs.

Mindfulness: T-T-27979-British-Wildlife-Mindfulness-Colouring-Sheets


We hope you have a lovely day.

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