Literacy 25.2.21

Today is a bit of handwriting practice! I have attached the lyrics to a song from Aladdin as we had completed work on this previously. Really make sure you are shaping your letters correctly and your ascenders/ descenders are going in the right direction! We are really hoping to hand out few more pen licenses when we are all back to school!

Aladdin song lyrics

History 24.2.21

Today we are looking at Roman money. We have looked at money all week in maths so we thought it would be lovely for you to design your own Roman coin and then your own coin in general. What would you put on it? How much would it be worth?

Roman Coins

Roman Coins

Maths 24.2.21

Having looked at adding money (apologies for my typing error yesterday- the PPT stated using the grid method and it was meant to say the column method!), we will today be looking at taking away money and making change.

Use the PowerPoint to help you and I would suggest starting with making change from £5 before making change from £10!

 Making Change

Change from £5

Change from £10

History 23.2.21

We will be continuing with our Roman topic this week! Today we will be having a look at where the Romans lived and their different types of houses. Once you have read through the PowerPoint, you will need to create an advert to sell a Roman villa. This will mean pretending you are an estate agent and persuading others to purchase one of these houses!


t2-h-5753-roman-houses-information-powerpoint- (1)

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