Times Table Rockstars!

So I have been keeping a close eye on TTRS to see how the battles are going! We have had a battle in year 4, for all year 4 boys against all year 4 girls for the last 2 weeks to give everyone a chance to play! The scores are in…..

Boys scored: 19,212

Girls scored: 12,418

Which means this time, the BOYS WON!!! Well done year 4 boys! Don’t worry girls, there is another battle set so you can have a chance to change this for next time! The MVPs of the battle were:

  • James R
  • Ruby
  • Riley

Great jobs guys! Try and beat them if you can!


Set 2 also had a girls v boys battle this week and the scores were….

Boys: 6725

Girls: 3686

Meaning the boys have won again! Our MVPS were:

  • James
  • Kaycie-Lea
  • Owen

Great job, guys! There are more battles being set and we are checking!!!!

Exercise logs!

Hey guys!

During this week have a go at keeping a record of all the activities you do which are a form of exercise. For example, have you been watching Joe Wicks? Have you been running or skipping, or playing football in your garden? Try and keep a record so at the end of the week you can look back and see how active you have been!

I have attached an example of an exercise log but you can record it any way you like!

exercise log

Maths and Literacy

This week’s maths and literacy booklets are here!

Maths is a revision booklet covering different skills we had worked on before lockdown. (I have also included the answers for parents!)

Literacy is another grammar element, fronted adverbials. We did some previous work on this also so it should be familiar to the children- they should know about adding the commas.

Yr 4 Fronted Adverbials booklet

Year 4 Maths Activity Revision Booklet

Maths Activity Answers

Happiness Journal

Morning Year 4,

As I am sure you know, in school we are looking at wellbeing and positive mental health. In a time that is challenging for everyone, I thought this would be quite a nice activity for the children to complete. Every day they simply have to write down two things that have made them happy that day. It could be anything that they have enjoyed or that has made them smile.

So for me, I would put that walking my dog and making a cheesecake made me smile yesterday!


Times Table Rockstars!

Morning Year 4!

We have set some year group battles on Times Table Rockstars. There are enough scheduled to last until July! We will be checking and announcing MVPs when we can!

If anyone has forgotten their log in details or has any problems, please email the year group email and we will do what we can.


I have had some children say they are really missing our cheerleading and gymnastics lessons! I do not feel comfortable setting work like that for home, so I have found some clips of dance from different cultures. If this is something that interests you, have a look and see if you can copy any of the routines! We would love to see photos or clips of you trying them out!


Maths and Literacy

We have found 2 useful booklets for maths and literacy. The literacy booklet covers an area of grammar for year 4: pronouns (included is a parent guide). The maths booklet covers multiplication and division (mostly time table knowledge) which children should be familiar with.

See what you can remember, guys!


multiplication and division booklet


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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