Arthog information Powerpoint 2024

A huge thankyou to those who attended the Arthog information meeting after school today. Here is the presentation that was delivered by Myself and Miss Hedges.

Arthog 2024

If your child is interested in going to Arthog, then a deposit of £30 is required by Friday 1st March 2024. Further details will be issued after all the deposits have been collated by the office.

Mr Perry and Miss Hedges

Let the battle commence!

Starting this evening, we have a battle of the bands TTRS competition between all of the maths classes! Simply log in to your TTRS account and play.

Best of luck!

A walk around St George’s

As part of our Local History week, we walked around the local area and discussed some of the key places of our community. On our journey we visited the Care home, Church, St George’s institute and the Gower.

A huge well done to all of the children who displayed the school values excellently throughout our walk.

St George’s Got Talent! 🏆

A HUGE well done to all of the participants of St George’s Got Talent! We saw a range of excellent performances and we are super proud of everyone involved. A massive shout out to the Year 4 children who participated. Your hard work and commitment to improving yourselves week in, week out is commendable. Well done, all!

Stop! Drop! Roll! 🔥

This morning, Year 4 welcomed a representative form the Shropshire Fire service. The children had a brilliant time learning about the role of a firefighter, how to stay safe during a fire and what to do if you need to call 999.

The children then had an opportunity to look at some of the equipment that a firefighter uses and ask plenty of questions.

A huge well done to the Year 4 children for being so respectful to our visitor and thank you to Shropshire Fire Service for an informative morning!


A huge well done to all of the Year 4 pupils who participate in the Judo taster session. The children explored break falling, backwards throws and hold downs. It was great to see the children’s involvement and they asked some very interesting questions about the heritage of Judo!

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Arthog 23′

A huge well done to all of the Year 4 children who participated in this years Arthog outreach sessions. It has been a huge success and we are pleased to have seen the progress and development of the children. They have braved some cold conditions and have shown excellent resilience when learning how to canoe.

Arthog 23′

A huge well done to all of the children who were involved in the Arthog outreach activity day this week. We had an amazing day, braving the cold conditions canoeing over Simpsons Lake. The children played a number of games, as well as showing teamwork to tie together the canoes, paddle and solve problems.

Well done to all of those involved!


Year 4 team

Romans, Romans, Romans!

We are well and truly underway with our new history topic! The children have been comparing and contrasting Claudius and Julius Caesar and their invasion of Britain. Were they successful in all areas? We also discussed key terms such as conquered and boundaries. A supper effort by all of the Year 4 pupils! Well done!

Computing – ‘Beware, malware’.

This week in computing we have been learning all about malware. The children have used purple mash to explore ‘slideshows’ all about Malware. We had some excellent discussions around how to stay safe online, what adverts offer and how they are used to access personal information. We then typed our own ideas into a word document about what we understood from our learning, and then shared these ideas with our partners. A super effort from all the children! Well done Year 4!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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