Year 6 Enterprise Stalls

It was a very busy day in Year 6 yesterday! Not only did we have sports day, but we also ran our enterprise stalls! The event was a huge success, with children planning, designing and running different stalls in groups. They were able to enjoy visiting each other’s stalls, and made a super profit of £180, which will go towards school fund for a new play area. Well done, everyone! 👏👏👏


Sports Day in Year 6! 🏃‍♂️

On Monday, Year 6 were thrilled to have their sports day after their previous one was rained off! Well done to everyone for your fantastic team spirit, excellent effort and brilliant attitude – as always, we were very proud! 🥰

It’s Show Time in Year 6! 🎭🎉

It’s show time this week and we are all incredibly excited to have the opportunity to perform to parents and carers, special guests and other children in school! We have worked so hard and it is an absolute pleasure to be able to share our production with everybody! Here are some pictures of our wonderful cast on the stage! 😊

We would like to say a huge well done to all of the children for their amazing effort in the production! Also, we would like to say a massive thank you to parents and carers for their support with the production: sourcing costumes, helping with learning lines, supporting as an audience to name just a few – as well as for your continued support through the year.

Our Brave, Daring (and very cool) Knights!


Our Big, Bad Baddies with the Marvellous Magic Mirror

And…here they are again, looking more like their usual, cheerful selves! 😊

Watt, Dusty, Alice and the Gang!

Our Royal Highnesses with their Beautiful Daughters

Our Fashion Extraordinaires and our Noble Lords


Scratch, Sniff and Earl Axminster along with Jake the Jester (definitely the most jolly jester you will ever meet!)

Our Stupendous Squires


Our Incredible Choir and Stage Hands

Our Amazing Lighting and Sound Technicians



Junior Choir at the Summer Fair 🎶

What a fabulous performance by our Junior Choir at the Summer Fair on Friday!

The audience loved their renditions of ‘Diamonds’ by Rihanna and ‘Count on Me’ by Bruno Mars.

Great job, everyone! 👏👏

Bikeability in Year 6

It’s Bikeability in Year 6 this week! The children have worked on their cycling skills and have practised their road safety when on roads in the local area. Well done, everyone! 😊

Year 6 Production – We’re Getting Ready for the Show! ⭐⭐⭐

The children in Year 6 have been working incredibly hard on their end of year production. Here are some sneak preview photos… we don’t want to give too much away, but the audiences will be in for a real treat when they come to watch over the next few weeks! Well done, Year 6! 😀


Canopic Jars in Year 6

Our wonderful Year 6 children have been creating canopic jars as part of their Art topic. This links to our History study of the Ancient Egyptians- the children have loved learning about how the pots were used as part of the mummification process!

TAARC Visit to Year 6

The children in Year 6 were treated to a visit from Heather Reid, who came from TAARC (Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre). The children learned lots of fascinating facts about the Windrush Generation, and discussed what it might have been like for the people who came to Britain, and also the challenges that they faced when they arrived.





Year 6 Mini First Aid

Here are some pictures from our Mini First Aid sessions, where the children in Year 6 learned vital life-saving skills. As always, our Year 6 children did us proud with their fantastic attitudes! Well done, everyone! 🙂



Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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