E-Safety in Year 6 😊

This week, the children in Year 6 have been learning about ways to stay safe online.

We’ve been so impressed with how sensible and mature they have all been when we’ve been talking about online safety! Great work πŸ‘πŸ‘


Follow the link to find out more 😊 https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/8_10/stay-safe/

Year 6 Spectrum Art 😊

In Science, we have been learning about Light and the visual light spectrum, as discovered by Isaac Newton.

Here are some examples of the beautiful artwork that the children have created relating to our Science work.

Hello Yellow in Year 6! 😊😊😊

As part of World Mental Health Day, we have been thinking about how we can help ourselves and others to feel better! 😊😍

The children in Year 6 all look fantastic today, dressed in their bright clothes for ‘Hello Yellow’.





Year 6 Geography

In year 6 this week, the children have been learning about the location, features and climate of different mountain ranges. πŸ—»πŸ˜Š

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β 

In Literacy, the children have loved learning about Sir Edmund Hillary and his expedition to Mount Everest. This week, the children have written some fabulous biographies about him. 😊

Harvest In Year 6

During the week, the children in year 6 have been working hard to create these wonderful pieces of Harvest artwork.

In our assemblies, we have been thinking about Harvest; the children have really enjoyed reading and writing Harvest prayers.

Year 6 Art!

The children in Year 6 have really enjoyed working on their artwork since returning to school.

As part of our topic of Mountains, the children looked at lots of different pieces of abstract artwork and used ideas relating to shape and pattern to create their own pieces.

After learning the techniques required, the children created some fabulous self-portraits. It was lovely to see how much care and thought went into their drawings.




Year 6 Prayers

The children in Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed thinking about prayer over the past week. Below are some examples of the beautiful class prayers that the children have written to celebrate the start of our school year.

Summer Reading Challenge

Join in the fun and get involved with the β€˜Silly Squad’ in the Summer Reading Challenge!

See how many books you can read and log onto the Summer Reading Challenge website to earn badges, downloads, rewards and much more 😊


We would love to know how you get on with your reading challenge and how many books you have read!

Happy reading and good luck 😊



Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is fantastic free resource with hundreds of online books. You can choose the perfect book for your child by selecting their Oxford Reading Level (their reading stage) and/ or their age.

To log onto this fabulous resource, simply follow this link Β https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/library-page?view=image&query=&type=book&age_group=&level=oxford+level+1&level_select=oxford+level+1&book_type=&series=#

Select β€˜Join Us’ and enter your details to set up your own login.

We hope that you have lots of fun sharing these wonderful books with your child!

Happy reading! 😊

Book Review 😊

We hope that you are all keeping up with your reading and enjoying lots of different books!

Remember, you could be reading many different text types, both onscreen or paper copies. Why not try reading a selection of texts such as: newspaper articles, recipes, instructions, fact books, poems, stories, biographies/ autobiographies?

This week, we would like you to write a book review. It could be about a book that you have just read, or it could be about one of your all time favourite books – from any time in your life!

Here is an example of what you could include:


We have loved the examples of work that have been emailed to us so far 😊

You can send your work to year5team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

Have fun! 😊😊😊

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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