Book Review 😊

We hope that you are all keeping up with your reading and enjoying lots of different books!

Remember, you could be reading many different text types, both onscreen or paper copies. Why not try reading a selection of texts such as: newspaper articles, recipes, instructions, fact books, poems, stories, biographies/ autobiographies?

This week, we would like you to write a book review. It could be about a book that you have just read, or it could be about one of your all time favourite books – from any time in your life!

Here is an example of what you could include:


We have loved the examples of work that have been emailed to us so far 😊

You can send your work to

Have fun! 😊😊😊

Plastic Pollution Project!


This week, we would like you to do some research about plastic pollution, especially pollution in our oceans.

You could think about:

  • Where plastic pollution is
  • Why it happens
  • What effects it has on wildlife
  • How we can stop it

You can present your findings in any way you like… some ideas could be:

  • A PowerPoint
  • A video of you talking
  • A fact file
  • A picture
  • A poem
  • A report

We would love to see your work! You can email pictures or files to us at

We will be awarding prizes for the best projects 😊

Have fun! 😊😊😊

Literacy – Persuasive Writing

This week’s literacy is about persuasive writing. There are 3 activities for you to have a go at in as much or as little detail as you would like! 😊

Activity 1: Read the persuasive letter and answer the questions.

Persuasive Letter Recycling Plastic Waste

Questions about Recycling Plastic

Answers – Recycling Plastic

Activity 2: Read the following pieces of persuasive writing. Find as many persuasive words/ phrases or wow words as you can… you could highlight them, talk about them, write a list, present them in fancy writing, put them in bubble writing or any other way you can think of!


Activity 3: Write a letter persuading a friend to do something that you enjoy. This could be to join a club, play a sport, take up a hobby, read a book, play a computer game, support a football team or anything else that you like! You could use the writing template, word mat, word bank and PowerPoint below to help you 😊

Persuasive Letter Writing PowerPoint

Persuasive Letter Writing Word Bank



Have fun! 😊😊😊

Home Learning

Thank you to everybody who has emailed us at!

We are missing you all lots – it is so lovely to hear from you!

We have really enjoyed hearing about what you have been up to and seeing pictures of your fabulous work! 😊  Keep up the great work! πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘


Our Favourite Authors

Today in school, we have had lots of fun talking about and researching our favourite authors. πŸ“š

Here are some of the fantastic PowerPoints that the children in phase 2 have created today 😊

David Walliams by Theo

Roald Dahl by Lilli

David Walliams by Shelby

David Walliams by Oscar

Well done for a super effort! Great job πŸ‘Œ

Literacy – Persuasive Writing and Reading!

This week’s literacy is all about persuasive writing.Β 

1st task: Read the letter ‘School Prom’ and answer the questions about it.

Persuasive Letter Example School Prom

Questions about School Prom persuasive letter

2nd task: Read the letter to Mr Kane and complete the writing activity.

Persuasive Letter Example Mr Kane

Respond to letter from Mr Kane



We hope that you are all enjoying lots of reading. You could be reading any type of text, both digital/ online or paper including (but not limited to): stories, fact files, newspapers, recipe books, poems.

Here is the list of reading activities which is at the front of your reading diaries. Remember that you can complete any of these tasks each time you finish a book!

Reading tasks Phase 2

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