World Book Day!

What a fabulous time we all had celebrating World Book Day! Throughout the day, we enjoyed lots of fantastic reading activities, such as buddy reading with different year groups, sharing our favourite books, artwork relating to our books and, of course, dressing up as our favourite book characters or coming to school in the comfort of our pyjamas! 😊 Here are some photos of us celebrating our love of reading! πŸ₯°



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World Book Day in Year 6! πŸ“š

We had a wonderful time celebrating all things reading for World Book Day today! We’re sure that you’ll agree that our Year 6 children did a fabulous job of getting involved in the joy of reading! 😊

Maths in Year 6! 🌟

This week, the children in Year 6 have been working very hard on their problem solving and reasoning skills in Maths! They have been tackling some very tricky problems involving area, perimeter and statistics- well done to all of our budding mathematicians! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Recorder Festival for Year 3, 4 and 6 🎡🎡

Wow! What an incredible performance at the Recorder Festival by our fabulous children! 🌟🌟🌟 Yesterday, all of the children in Year 4, plus some children from Year 3 and the Year 6 Recorder Club, attended the Telford And Wrekin Recorder Festival at The Telford Theatre. We were absolutely blown away by their amazing recorder playing, and also by their impeccable behaviour. You were a credit to St George’s and to yourselves. Well done! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘



Geography Projects in Year 6 🌎

As part of our Geography topic of ‘Brazil and The Amazon Rainforest’, the children in year 6 created projects for their homework. We were blown away by the amazing quality of their projects, which ranged from PowerPoints to artwork; fact files to models; and posters to rainforest-themed cakes!














Buddy Storytelling with Year 6 and Year 2 πŸ₯°

As part of Storytelling week, we shared stories with the children from Year 2. We had a fantastic time and especially enjoyed watching the performance of ‘The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff’ by the Year 2 children! 😊

Storytelling with Peter Chand! 😊

Last week was our Storytelling Week, and we had a fantastic time listening to and telling lots of wonderful stories!

As part of our week of sharing spectacular stories, we were treated with a visit from a very special guest: the fabulous storyteller, Peter Chand.

Peter visited each of the classes in school, sharing his stories and inspiring our children with the joy of spoken word. 😊




Year 6 – Hindu Mandirs

As part of our RE topic, ‘What Makes Our Community Respectful’, we have been learning about Hinduism. Here is some of the wonderful work that the children produced about Hindu Mandirs.







Handwriting in Year 6 😊

The children in Year 6 always work hard to keep their handwriting neat, but this week they have been putting in that extra special bit of effort to present their work as beautifully as possible!Β  Here are the winners of our Handwriting Competition (for the most improved handwriting, and for the most consistently neat handwriting)Β Β along with the winning entries of the presentation of the poem ‘A Trillion Tropical Leaves’ which is about the Amazon Rainforest. 🌟🌟🌟

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Eco Schools
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