Coach Jacob

Today was Coach Jacob’s final session of rugby and reading as he is going on to begin his career in quantity surveying. Jacob has been such a positive role-model and he has had such a positive impact on our children. Jacob’s sister will be taking his place as our new coach so we still be in very good hands. Thank you so much Jacob, our staff and children will really miss you. Best wishes for the future ☺️

Maths Information Sessions

A reminder that this Thursday, Mr Porteous and Mrs Morris (maths leaders) will be holding maths parent information sessions at 2.30pm and 5.30pm. These sessions will include information on the curriculum, teaching, organisation and assessments. There will be an option to attend one of two meetings that will last around 30 minutes. The slides will be available for anyone who is unable to attend.


Please log in and book through your Parent Pay account. Thank you.

Homework in Year 2

Homework is vital for our children to know more and remember more. ⭐

In Year 2, homework is given to every child on a Friday and we expect it to be returned by the following Wednesday at the latest. We set a piece of mathematics and English homework each week.

As well as this, we ask that children read their phonics/Oxford Reading Tree book during the week to someone at home alongside their reading in school.

Children in Miss Bibi’s Phonics group do not bring spellings home each week to learn, only the children in Mrs Probert’s and Mrs Newbold’s spelling groups.

All children also have a username and password for TimesTable Rockstars and Spelling. This is a fantastic resource for children to use at home to support their learning.

Thank you for your continued support with this.

Telling The Time ⌚

At St George’s, we believe that telling the time is a very important life skill. To assist us with our teaching of telling the time, we would like to encourage any children who own an analogue watch to wear it to school. Please do not feel pressured to buy one though if your child does not own one. We have invested in some additional analogue clocks that have been put up around school. Thank you so much for your support. Please note that Smart Watches cannot be worn to school for safeguarding reasons.

Rosa Parks

Our Year 2 children loved producing a piece of art work based on Rosa Parks. The children were touched by the story of how she refused to give up her seat on a bus due to the colour of her skin.

Buddy Reading

Last week, each of our Year 2 classes loved their Buddy Reading Session with a Key Stage 2 class.

Year 2 Displays

Our Year 2 children have produced an excellent range of Back to School Prayers, Self-Portraits and photographs of them reading in an unusual place. Thank you so much to those of you who sent in photographs of your children reading in an unusual place to help us to create this particular display above our Reading Den.

Spellings and Phonics

This week in Year 2 we have started spelling and phonic groups. The children requiring additional practise with their reading will continue with phonic sessions. From next Friday (23rd September), they will also bring home a phonics book that matches the sounds they are learning in school. They will keep this book until the following Friday so that they can practise the sounds and develop their fluency.

The children not continuing with phonics will move on to the year 2 spelling programme. If your child is in one of the spelling groups, they will bring home spellings as part of their homework. Please support them with learning their words at home. They will be tested on these words on Friday.

Thanks for your support.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on:

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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