Times Tables Rockstars!

Every child in Year 2 should have brought home Times Tables Rockstars usernames and passwords this week. There should also have been an accompanying information sheet that explains how the game works.

Year 2 Trip


Save the date! On Tuesday 15th November, we will be going on a trip to the Royal Airforce Museum in Cosford. Further details have been sent to parents/guardians via email.

Well done!

A huge well done to all of our Year Two children! They have settled into their new classes beautifully this week and we couldn’t be prouder of the start to the year that the children have made.

RAF Cosford Museum Trip 🛩

For many of our Year 2 children, this was their first ever school trip! All three of our classes participated in three different workshops including Parachutes, Rockets and Flying Through The Ages. The children had a fantastic day and we were thrilled with their behaviour on the coach and at the musuem.

Non-Chronological Reports

Our Year 2 children have loved learning all about tigers through non-chronological reports. The children are building up towards writing a non-chronological report of their own.

St George’s Has Got Talent – Phase 1 Winner!

A huge well done to Andrea who won our school’s Phase 1 Talent Show with her superb performance of two songs that she played superbly on the flute.

Year 5.6 Sports Day

What a wonderful end to our Key Stage 1 and 2 Sports Days this week! The red team won both the Year 5 and 5 competitions. It was so lovely to have so many spectators with us again.


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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