Year 2 Literacy

As part of our author study unit in Literacy, we have been enjoying books written by Anthony Browne. Today we read the book Silly Billy and then made our own worry doll which we will get to take home.

The children can share their worries with the worry doll and then put the doll under their pillow. The doll takes the worries in the person’s place so that they can have a good night’s sleep and not have to worry about anything!

To read the book, click on the picture.

Pin on Picture Books


Year 2 Reading!

Today in Year 2, the children had their very first whole class fluency lesson! The children were thrilled to have their own books and enjoyed practising their reading with prosody, focussing on expression, tone and rhythm. It was wonderful to see how engaged they were and we are looking forward to many more sessions to build their confidence and fluency in reading. A great start to our reading journey!

Year 2 Literacy

In Literacy, we have started our author study. We have reading stories written by Anthony Browne. Today, we read the book ‘The Tunnel’. The children took part in an activity called ’Conscience Alley’ where they role played the different voices in Rose’s head, presenting reasons for and against her decision to follow her brother into the tunnel.




A great start to Year 2!

The children have settled in beautifully into Year 2 and the new routines. They have shown independence, responsibility and enthusiasm for learning!

Today we practised some handwriting. The children took great pride in their work and  we were very impressed with their letter formation.

We look forward to celebrating more achievements with our fantastic Year 2 children!


Year 2 Literacy

This week we have started looking at the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Today we explored the emotions felt by story characters. We discussed the character actions and the language that was used in the text to convey emotions. Then we chose one emotion and with a partner created a poster showing why the crayon feels this way. The children produced some fantastic work!


Year 2 Maths

This week we are practising our 2, 5 and 3 times tables.

The children had so much fun playing this game to consolidate their knowledge of the 2 times table!

2x table game – Copy

Year 2 Computing

This term’s computing unit is all about coding. This week we used Purple Mash to design an algorithm that included a timed sequence and used different events in their program to make objects move.


Year 2 Science

Today we had a visitor from Harper Adams to teach us all about seeds. We looked at some seeds and found out that they can be different colours and sizes. We talked about what plants need to grow well and set up a fair test experiment to find out. We planted the seeds in soil and then put some in the dark, some in a cold place and some without water. We are going to water them next week and then check to see which ones have grown the best.


Year 2 Literacy

This week we have started a new unit in literacy focussing on non-chronological reports.

We started the unit by  looking at a model text about tigers and identified the  different features. Then we compared the layout of two non-chronological reports and worked in pairs to  cut up a mixed up report and reorganise it to create a new one!




Year 2 Homework Projects

For their half term project, children in year 2 were asked to create something to represent what they had learned in History about the Victorian Seaside. We had some amazing pieces of homework!  Here are a few examples:


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British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
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Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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