Year 2 Homework Projects

For their half term project, children in year 2 were asked to create something to represent what they had learned in History about the Victorian Seaside. We had some amazing pieces of homework!  Here are a few examples:


Year 2 Writing ✏

This term we have been looking at books written by Oliver Jeffers. As our final piece of writing for this unit, the children wrote their own version of the story ‘Stuck’. The children had so much fun being silly with their ideas and produced some fantastic pieces of writing! Here are a few examples.

Walk to School Week 2024

Well done to everyone that took part in the Walk to School Week. We completed a fantastic 1,103 active journeys!

Y2 Maths

Today we started looking at time.

We made an analogue clock which we will use  to help us tell the time. We coloured each half of the clock in a different colour to show ‘past’ and ‘to’ the hour.


Sun Safety ☀😎

Now the weather is starting to improve, share this song with your child to teach them all about how to stay safe in the sun!


Year 2 Behaviour Star Treat! 🍧🍦🍨

The children in year 2 reached 500 behaviour stars this week! As their reward, they enjoyed a refreshing ice lolly with their friends!

Year 2 After- School Phonics Session 📖

The children had so much fun during our after-school phonics session!

They played phonic games on the laptop and practiced their reading skills by revisiting a phonics screening from last year.

To access the phonic games at home click here:  Phonics Play.

To access Phonic Screening materials click here:  Phonic Screening Check.

🎉 Celebrating the Success of Our Aspirations Day! 🌟

We are excited to announce the tremendous success of our recent Aspirations Day at St. George’s!

On Thursday, our school was filled with excitement and curiosity as our students explored various career paths and opportunities. Throughout the day, students engaged with professionals from diverse fields, gaining valuable insights and first hand experiences. In the afternoon, we hosted a Careers Fair where parents and students had the opportunity to interact with representatives from local businesses and organisations.

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as we continue to empower our children to pursue their dreams and reach for the stars!



World Book Day! 📚👸🤴🏰

Year 2 had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day. They did lots of activities centered around their author, ‘Mini Grey,’ and her books. These activities included writing the next chapter of ‘Traction Man is Here,’ acting out the circus scene from ‘Biscuit Bear,’ and writing a persuasive letter advocating for planting more trees, inspired by the book ‘The Last Wolf.’

As part of the day’s events, Year 2 also took part in some buddy reading with Year 6 students. They had a great time sharing stories with their older classmates!




World Book Day Gift 🎁📚❤

On Monday, Miss Bibi led an assembly with the KS1 children to introduce Reading Focus Week.

To celebrate World Book day, Paisley in Mrs Bridgewater’s class made Miss Bibi her very own book! She went down to see Miss Bibi and gave her the book- Miss Bibi was so impressed! She gave Paisley 2 stickers and took a photograph with her.

Thank you for my lovely gift, Paisley!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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