A lovely day in 1B! 💖

We have been looking at non-fiction books about plants and seeds. We learnt about a scientist called Carl Linneaus, he was a botanist. We dressed as scientists and used our magnifying glasses to study the plants like he did.

Then we went out and did the maths trail with Mr Porteous, some of the maths questions were tricky!

After that we did some art work using 2d shapes.

A very busy day!

Pyjamarama day! 😊📚📖

This morning we have been busy listening to stories, designing pyjamas and choosing favourite books!

The bus stop project!

We are involved with an art project in St Georges to decorate the bus stop on Stafford Street. We had to design some flowers. It was good fun to do.

A busy Tuesday in 1B 😊

Today we have been adding…

And drawing castles!

Friday 😃❤😃

Happy Friday everyone!

We hope you are ready for todays lessons.

Literacy 😊

Letters and Sounds

Lesson: finding similarities and differences.

Today we are going to look at what is similar and what is different. Watch the short video on how to spot similarities and differences.

similarities and differences

Now have a go at the worksheet.

Friday similarities differences

Numeracy ➗✖➖➕

Lesson: Solve word problems involving number bonds to 20

Well done for a fantastic week of learning about number bonds to 20!

First, have a go at playing this interactive game. Click the link and then select the ‘Bonds to 20’ option.

number bonds

Today you are going to be answering some word problems. Have a go at reading the problems to an adult and use your knowledge of your number bonds to help you solve them.

Remember to think about what you would add to the number to make 10 first – this will help you to work out what you would need to add to make 20.

Word problem cards

Science ☀☀☀

We have been learning about seasons in science.

Do you know what season we are in now?

What comes next?

Can you name all 4 seasons?

Today, we will be looking at Summer and the things we do during this season.

Watch this video all about summer:


What animals did you spot?

What weather did you see?

For your lesson today—log onto Purple Mash (login is inside your reading record). We have set you a task on your alerts—it is called ‘summer lesson.’

Your task is to use your computer skills to create a beautiful summer scene. Think about the things you saw in the video.

Well done for today.

Here is a story for you to watch.

A Squash and a Squeeze.

We hope you have a great weekend and we will see you all on Monday. 🖐🖐🖐




Thursday 🌈❤🌈

Good morning year 1.

We hope you are all ok.

Here are your lessons for today.

 Literacy 😁

Letters and Sounds

Lesson: form our letters correctly.

Here are some short videos on how to form the more tricky ones.

letter m   letter p   letter u


Numeracy 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣6️⃣7️⃣8️⃣9️⃣🔟

Lesson: Recall number bonds to 20

Watch this short video to teach you about the part:whole model. Remember, that 2 parts make a whole. For example: 3 + 7 = 10. The 3 and 7 are two parts to make the whole total which is 10.


Now have a go at completing this worksheet.

Practise number bonds to 20 (2)

Practise number bonds to 20 (1)

To finish today’s Maths activities, have another go at playing the Number bonds to 20 game to see if your score has improved from the beginning of the week:

hit the button

PSHE 🐻🐻🐻

In PSHE we are learning about dreams and goals. Today, we are going to look at something called obstacles. Obstacles are things that can get in a person’s way or stop/slow them from achieving a goal. Have a look at these pictures, with your grown up can you spot the obstacles?

Watch this story about a family going on a bear hunt.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Can you spot the obstacles the family have to overcome? How do they overcome them?

Can you remember the obstacles? Cut and stick them in the right order. Finally, draw the families goal—what did they find?

going on a bear hunt obstacles

obstacles picture

Well done for today. You have worked hard.

Here is a story for you to listen to.

The Smartest Giant in Town

See you all tomorrow. 🖐🖐🖐




Wednesday! 🤗💖🤗

Good morning all of you, we hope you are all ok.

We are half way through the week! Keep up the good work!

Lessons for today.

Literacy 💖

Letters and Sounds

Lesson: sequencing a story.

Today you are going put the story of Jack and The Beanstalk in to the correct order. Here is the story to remind you.


Wednesday sequencing

Numeracy ➕➖✖➗

Lesson: Match number pairs to make 20

Complete this worksheet by matching the number pairs together. You will need colouring crayons or felt tips. Use your knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help you!

Match number pairs to make 20

RE 🙏

We have started to learn all about Jesus and the good news he brings. Today, we are going to look at his Disciples. One of his Disciples was called Matthew and he was a tax collector.

Watch this video all about Jesus’ Disciples:

Jesus’ disciples

Watch this video all about Matthew the Tax collector:

Matthew the tax collector

Listen to the message Jesus tells us from this story. ‘I want you to show mercy to others.’

Can you draw a picture of Jesus meeting Matthew. (Can you remember Matthew’s Job before he became a Disciple?)

Matthew the tax collector worksheet

Well done for working so hard today. 🤗

Here is a link to some relaxing music. There is a colouring sheet for you to do while you chill out.

relax and listen

relax and colour

See you all tomorrow 🖐🖐🖐






Tuesday afternoon art 🌈

Today we looked at a painting called Moscow, it was painted by Wassily Kandinsky. We looked at the colours and the shapes and had a go at painting it ourselves.

Tuesday! 😺

Good morning everyone! 😎❤

Here is your work for today.

Literacy ✏

Letters and Sounds

Our new book is going to be Jack and The Beanstalk. Watch the video of the story.

Jack and The Beanstalk.

Now colour in the picture.


Numeracy 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣6️⃣7️⃣8️⃣9️⃣🔟

Lesson: Make 20

You have impressed us so much with your recall of number bonds to 10 so today we have set you a challenge of learning your  number bonds to 20.

Have a go at completing this worksheet finding the missing number bond using number shapes. Look at the amount you have been given in the calculation, how many more to make 20? Write in the answer.

Missing number bonds to 20 using numicon

 Art 🏠🏚🏡

Today, we will be making connections with other Artists.

Watch this video on Wassily Kandinsky:

Wassily Kandinsky

We are going to try and replicate a piece of Art created by Kandinsky. Have a look—here is picture of his artwork. This is called ‘Moscow’

Moscow Kandinsky

Kandinsky worksheet

Well done for todays work.

Here is a colouring sheet which you can relax and complete.

calm colouring

See you all tomorrow. 🖐🖐🖐




Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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