Exploring Antarctica- Reception

Recently in Reception we have been exploring hot and cold places. We focused on Antarctica last week, looking at what the weather is like there, what we would need to pack in a suitcase if we were going to visit and some of the animals that live there. We particularly enjoyed learning about penguins. We found out there are different types of penguins and we measured ourselves against the height of penguins that we had stuck up in the classrooms to show their actual size. The children made some observational paintings of penguins which turned out beautiful.

Reception Author Visit

On Wednesday, we had the author Donna Davis come and visit us in Reception. She talked to us about some of the books she has written and read one of her stories to us. We all found it really interesting to find out about the process she goes through to get her books published. Some children from each class volunteered to help with the explanation of Donna getting an idea for a book, to it ending up on the shelves. The photo below shows some of the helpers acting out the roles of editors, publishers, printers and all the other people who are part of the process.

The Nativity

This week we have been practising our Nativity play and we are so excited to have you all to watch us on Tuesday. We have been learning about the people in the story and what happened through our play and other activities around the classroom. We have used the small bricks to build a stable, set the scene with some pictures and used some little play people to act out the story.

Reception- Cold Weather!

We have been embracing the cold weather in Reception. We went on a wintery walk around the track and looked for frost and ice and have explored our Reception playground. The children found their toys had been frozen in the water! We decided we needed to design our own hat, gloves and scarves to keep us warm. Here are a few of our designs.


Funky Fingers- Reception

We have already had 2 weeks in our Funky Fingers after school club and exercised our fingers a lot! we made some lovely scrunched tissue paper pictures last week and this week turned an empty toilet roll into an alien or monster (there was also one princess as well.) It was quite tricky cutting the hair but we did a great job of it.

Diwali- Reception

This week we have been learning all about Diwali. We have shared books with information about Diwali, made some Diya lamps with playdough and written some Diwali cards. The children absolutely loved learning about Rangoli patterns and have had lots of fun designing our own Rangoli patterns on the school playground using chalk.

Reception art- Yayoi Kusama

In Reception we have been looking at some art work by a Japanese artist called Yayoi Kusama (pronounced Ya-yoy Koo-sama). Yayoi Kusama is known for her extensive use of polka dots. We have been producing some art work in this style this week. We have focused on making pumpkin pictures using polka dots as Yayoi Kusama has produced lots of art using pumpkins. We have also been reading our story of the week ‘Pumpkin Soup’. While making our polka dot pictures we have been learning about what the 3 primary colours are-red, blue and yellow. Next week we will be experimenting to see what happens when we mix the primary colours together.

Book of the Week

Every week we have a ‘book of the week’. We read the same story every afternoon for a week so the children become really familiar with the story. We learn lots of new vocabulary from these stories as well as learning about characters and how they are feeling. By the end of the week, the children in Reception have been able to join in with the story and able to tell us about what has happened. The photo with this post shows all the books we have read this half term.

Reception- Recycling Week

This week in reception we have talked about National recycling Week. We read a book called ‘The Tip’ and talked about what items we can recycle. We recycled some cardboard boxes and turned them into houses making sure we included a roof, windows, doors and some had chimneys.

Reception Class Visitor

Last week, we were very lucky in Reception to have a visitor to come and see us in school. Sandy Goldstraw, who used to work here at St Georges, very kindly came in to tell us some interesting stories about events involving animals that happened during her time here. It was a great introduction to the children to think about the meaning of the past. The children (and the staff) found the stories very interesting, we particularly liked the story about the tiger! Reception parents- be sure to ask your children the tiger story!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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