Year 6 at Arthog

Message from Miss Schutte and Mrs Hough regarding their group in Arthog:

Miss Schutte and Mrs Hough are super proud of their group from Arthog! They all worked well as a team supporting and encouraging each other when they needed it and making sure everyone was involved. All of the children stepped out of their comfort zone and took it all in their stride. They showed amazing perseverance when they found things difficult and always pushed through. We all had a fabulous time and enjoyed every minute.



Year 6 at Arthog

The children and staff have had an amazing week at Arthog. The staff are all incredibly proud of each and every child for their efforts with all of the activities. Here are some messages from the teachers:
Miss Mogg is so proud of her group this week. They have pushed themselves out of their comfort zones and supported each other throughout every activity. They particularly enjoyed walking through the caves and canoeing on the lake. Well done Group 5!
Mrs Hach’s group have gone above and beyond during their week at Arthog. They have all really pushed themselves through every activity. Even when they thought they couldn’t, they persevered with the support and encouragement of their team. We have all had an amazing time and embraced every second!
Mrs Branford is so proud of her group at Arthog this week. They have embraced every single opportunity with smiles on their faces and have given their all to each of the activities. It was amazing to see how much they cared for the environment when collecting litter on the beach as part of the John Muir conservation project. They also pushed themselves to their limit when scrambling to the summit of Garn on the Rhinogydd mountain range. A massive well done to you all!

Year 6 at Arthog

Miss Hedges has shared the following about her group this week:

I have had the most amazing day with my group. Every single child has pushed themselves out of their comfort zone and tackled the canoeing and gorge walking with a positive attitude. These children have honestly made me the proudest teacher. They have been a joy to spend the week with. HUGE shout out to Ava! She has joined in with almost every activity including scrambling with a broken toe! (Previous injury, not an Arthog injury!) She has been a superstar and I am so proud of her.

Year 6 at Arthog

The year 6 children are having a great experience in Arthog. They will have fabulous memories to share on their return.

Year 6 at Arthog

The children in year 6 are continuing to have a great time at Arthog. Here is what Mr Perry has shared about his group:

What a brilliant day had all round by my group. The windy conditions meant that we did our hill walk. The entire group battled                

wind, rain and steep climbs to reach the summit in Coed y Brenin Forest Park. On our trip, we had to use our map reading skills as well as the picture clues on the sheet. At halfway, we had the luxury of stopping and sheltering in a woodland cabin to have our lunch. 

After a long, tiring trip, we returned to the centre to gather dry waterproofs and a litter picking kit. We then visited the local beach and searched for litter to dispose of. We then had 20 minutes exploring the rock pools and playing on the water edge. A superb day all round and I was incredibly proud of the perseverance my group showed. A massive well done! 


Year 6 at Arthog

Here are a few photos from Day One at Arthog. More will be posted each day so watch this space!



Phonics and Early Reading Workshop for Parents

We are holding sessions for this at 2:30pm and 5:30pm on Thursday 26th October.

During these sessions we will be sharing how we teach early reading and spelling in reception and key stage 1. We will also discuss how you can support your child at home with reading.

If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please sign up through ParentPay.

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