Silver Geography Quality Mark Award

We are thrilled to have been awarded a silver Primary Geography Quality Mark Award which recognises the effectiveness of our geography curriculum. Thank you to all staff for working hard to gain this award, especially our geography subject leaders.

Staff Spot!

Name Miss Lees
Role in school and how long you have worked here? I work in the school nursery and have done for about 13 years. I also work in breakfast club.
What do you love about working at St George’s?



I love working at St George’s because we are like one big happy family. I also love working in the nursery and seeing the children’s happy faces and watching them grown throughout the years.
Can you tell us about a memory from when you were at school? As a child I used to come to St George’s school, I can still remember enjoying my time here and learning lots.
What are your hobbies?


I love to sing and love spending time with my family and Frank the dog.
What’s your favourite biscuit? Chocolate chip cookies.
If you could go on holiday to anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would love to travel to New Zealand.


Children in Need- Friday 15th November

We will be celebrating Children in Need again this year on Friday 15th November. This will be a non-uniform day and children can wear whatever makes them happy. If families are able to, please can children bring in a donation of £1.


Odd Socks Day- Tuesday 12th November.

Odd Socks Day is a fun and light-hearted event that encourages people to embrace individuality and celebrate differences. On this day, children and staff are encouraged to wear mismatched socks as a symbol of uniqueness and to promote acceptance of diversity.

Show Racism the Red Card Day- Friday 18th October.

This is a national day to help fight racism within our communities. Children are invited to wear red items of clothing on this day if they would like to- please do not feel you need to go out and buy something especially. They can wear a red t-shirt or just red socks with their school uniform for example. If they have a full-blown red outfit, they can wear that! This is not a general non-uniform day though so if they don’t wear red, please can they come in school uniform. There is no donation for this day.

Hello Yellow Day- Thursday 10th October.

This is a national day to help raise the profile of mental health. Children are invited to wear yellow items of clothing on this day if they would like to- please do not feel you need to go out and buy something especially. They can wear a yellow t-shirt or just yellow socks with their school uniform for example. If they have a full-blown yellow outfit, they can wear that! This is not a general non-uniform day though so if they don’t wear yellow, please can they come in school uniform. There is no donation for this day.

Harvest Donations for Telford Crisis Support

We will be supporting Telford Crisis Support for our Harvest this year during the week beginning Monday 7th October. Children can bring in donations on any day that week. Thank you!


Word, question, music and wildlife of the week

Every week we have a word, question and music of the week that we share with the children in assemblies. This year we are also introducing British wildlife of the week. By doing this, we introduce the children to a range of fantastic music and vocabulary.
Music: True Colours by Cyndi Lauper
Word: Monarch
Question: What’s your favourite game to play in the playground?
British wildlife: Hedgehog and ash tree

PTFA Meeting

Our next PTFA meeting is being held on Tuesday 1st October (7pm) in the school hall (enter through the main office door) The PTFA are a group of parents, carers and friends of the school who help to run events and raise money for items such as a new adventure playground. At this meeting we’ll be discussing fundraising ideas for the coming year. We’d love people to come along! It is a really friendly group so not only can you help our school but also meet new friends. Please feel free to email the PTFA if you would like to know more or simply turn up on the 1st.
Thank you!
Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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