American Diner Day Returns!

It’s that time again when the American Diner is returning to St George’s on Thursday 18th January!
The menu will be:
• Beef burger or cheese burger
• Vegan burger
• Chips
• Sweetcorn
• Baked Beans
• Tomato Sauce
• Mini Doughnuts with mini marshmallows
• Strawberry & chocolate milkshakes with a swirl of cream

Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter which celebrates some of the events and learning opportunities we have enjoyed this week. On behalf of the staff and governors at St George’s Primary School, I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Festive Week in School

Well, we have had a very busy festive week in school. We have had two lovely Church Christmas Services, 2 nursery and reception nativities, a visits from Father Christmas, Christmas parties and our Christmas lunch!

From all of us at school, we would like to wish our St George’s Family a very merry Christmas and  happy new year. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 9th January 2024!


Gifts from Church

Thank you to Reverend Debbie and her group of volunteers who gave us gifts to give to all of our children today. Nursery children have been given an angel and all the other children have been given a special Christmas bell. Thank you!


Non-Uniform and Christmas Lunch Day- Wednesday 20th December

Don’t forget it is non-uniform day on Wednesday 20th. Children can wear whatever makes them happy/Christmas jumpers/party clothes. No donation required! Wednesday is also Christmas lunch day for those children who have pre-ordered a lunch. All other children will need to bring a packed lunch. Classes are also having Christmas parties that day- school are providing light refreshments for each child. We may even have a visit from a certain gentleman wearing red! Ho ho ho. A busy day!

Raffle thanks!

Wow! Together we have raised a whopping £859 from our raffle today. Thank you to our school community for donating prizes and buying tickets. the money will go towards us saving up for a new adventure playground.

Kids Silhouette holding letters colored of the word THANK YOU isolated on white background

Thanks to our PTFA!

HUGE thank you to our Friends of St George’s PTFA for working so hard to plan and run our Christmas Grotto. Thanks also to staff who came on Sunday or stayed after school to help- very much appreciated. It was so lovely seeing the children have a magical time. Father Christmas tells us they are all on his good list! Thank you to all the families who supported the event- we do hope you had a great time!

Church Carol Concerts

We have so enjoyed the three carol concerts in Church this week and are incredibly proud of all the children in years 1-6. Thank you to everyone who came along to watch and support the children. We do hope you enjoyed yourselves too!


The whole school have learned about and made Christingles this week. Why don’t you ask your child what each part of the Christingle represents?

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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© St George's C of E Primary School and Nursery 2023
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