Raffle Hampers!

LOADS of fabulous hampers to be won in our Christmas raffle. Tickets are £1 for a strip of 5 tickets. Please send money in to your child’s teacher each morning this week. The raffle will be drawn on Friday. Good luck everyone!

Y4 Experience Christmas

Thank you to Reverend Debbie, Reverend Lisa and their team for inviting our Y4 to join them for Experience Christmas at Holy Trinity Church. Staff and children had a lovely morning, learning about the Christmas story and taking part in a range of activities. Our Y4 children behaved beautifully and showed our school value of respect in Church. Well done everyone!

Church Carol Concerts Reminder

Christmas Carol Concerts

Parents and carers are warmly welcomed to our carol concerts. We are holding these in Church as we do not have enough space in our school hall to fit all the children and parents/carers in safely. Please be advised that Church may still be busy as these are popular events.

We do not sell tickets for our Christmas carol concerts but at the end of each we will have a collection bucket and any money raised will be split between our two school charities of the year (Telford Crisis Support and Classrooms in the Clouds) and Church.

Tuesday 12th December at 1.45pm. Year 5 and Year 6 ‘Carols Around the World’ Concert in Church. No tickets required.

Wednesday 13th December at 1.45pm. Year 3 and Year 4 ‘Celebrate Christmas’ Carol Concert in Church. No tickets required.

Thursday 14th December at 1.45pm. Year 1 and Year 2 ‘The Christmas Story’ Carol Concert in Church. No tickets required.

Please note that all children will be walked back to school at the end of each Church carol concert and can be collected at the end of the day, at the normal time. We are unable to hand children over to parents/carers at the end of the concerts in Church as there are just too many to hand over safely, plus then get the rest back to school in time for the end of the day. We ask politely that you do not ask us in Church to do this as if we say yes to one family, it isn’t fair on others, and we are all put in an embarrassing situation when we say no to you. We do hope you understand that this decision has been made to keep all the children safe.

Santa’s Grotto

Ho ho ho! The grotto is set up and ready for visitors. How exciting! There are still tickets available. Please use the link on the homepage of our website to book.

Christmas Raffle Ticket Sales

Thank you so very much for all the donations that have come in today for our Christmas raffle. We have been overwhelmed once again by your generosity. Our busy elves will put together some lovely hampers for you to win next week. Raffle tickets will be on sale all next week. Tickets are £1 for a strip of 5. Money can be sent in for tickets with your child any day next week and given to the staff in their year group. It would REALLY help us if the money is put in a named envelope please. The raffle will be drawn on Friday 15th December. All money raised will be going towards buying a new adventure playground. Thank you!

Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of new so head to our website to read about more. All Christmas event dates can be found on the website and they have also been emailed out to parents and carers a couple of times for your information as there is a lot going on!

Non-Uniform Day Friday 8th December

Don’t forget Friday 8th December is a non-uniform day in school. Children can wear whatever makes them happy. We kindly ask for donations of items we can use for the Christmas raffle such as bottles of wine, chocolates, candles, gift sets, etc- anything really that we can use in our raffle hampers that we make up. If you are unable to provide a raffle prize then please send your child in with £1 if possible. The raffle is one of our main fundraising events of the school year. All money raised from this raffle will be put towards us saving up for new adventure play equipment as the one on the KS1 playground is coming towards the end of its life. Raffle tickets will be on sake next week (details to follow). Thank you!

Santa’s Grotto-last chance to buy tickets

It’s the Final Countdown…
…In just 48 hours, ticket sales for the Santa’s Grotto here at St George’s will close! By booking tickets you will be able to have your own family one-to-one time with our brilliant Santa, you will be able to take part in the arts and crafts activities, and you will be able to take home a quality toy for each ticketed child. We’d hate for you to miss out so do follow this link to grab your place for just £5.50 per child. Running from this Sunday the 10th December, over half of the slots have sold but the PTFA would *love* your support to raise the most funds possible for the school so please do book if you’re able. Thanks so much, and Merry Christmas! The link is:
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