Newsletter Welcome

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Special Prayer

Lord Jesus, We ask for Your help as we begin this new school year. Allow us to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put before us. Open our eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings. Open our hearts and minds to new friends and new teachers.


Rotary Club Fantasy Football League

As you may know, our school has close links with Telford Centre Rotary Club who support us with lots of projects in school. We are sharing the information below from them:
Telford Centre Rotary have set up a league for the 2024/25 Fantasy Premier League.
Joining the league couldn’t be easier. Simply use the link below and you’ll be added automatically after you’ve entered the game.

Word, question, music and wildlife of the week

Every week we have a word, question and music of the week that we share with the children in assemblies. This year we are also introducing British wildlife of the week. By doing this, we introduce the children to a range of fantastic music and vocabulary.

Music: Sweet Symphony by Joy Oladokun and Chris Stapleton

Word: Forgiveness

Question: What is the best thing about coming back to school?

British wildlife: ladybird and oak tree

Welcome Back!

We are very much looking forward to welcoming everybody back to school tomorrow. There will be staff on the main gate and playground to help you if you are unsure where your child’s classroom is this year. School starts promptly at 8.45am with the doors open at 8.40am.
Please label ALL of your children’s school uniform and PE kit as well as their water bottle!
See you tomorrow. 😀

Asda Cashpot for Schools

Free Cash for Our School!
Our PTFA has successfully signed us up to the Asda Cashpot for Schools scheme and that means that every one of us (and our friends and family) can raise much-needed funds for school – and help bring our new adventure playground a huge step further forward!
If you shop at Asda and have the Rewards app please just click on the Cashpot for Schools button on the homepage. Then choose St George’s Church of England Primary School to benefit (search by our postcode TF2 9LJ to make it super-simple).
We’ll get £1 for every single person who signs up, plus – every time you shop – we’ll get 0.5% of your total spend too! And it runs from the 2nd September right through to the 30th November 2024.
You won’t lose any of your earnings or bonuses, and it won’t cost you a penny, it’s just an extra bonus on what you’d be spending anyway.
If you shop at Asda but don’t have the app yet then please do download it if you’re happy to. And if you don’t shop there, please don’t worry, you can still help by asking everyone you know who does, to pick us!
We so appreciate your support, as always.

Cashpot for schools (


Nursery and Reception Places- book a tour

Are you looking for a Reception place for your child to start school in September 2025?
Are you considering nursery schools for your younger children? We offer 15 and 30 hour nursery places for 3 and 4 year olds at our very popular teacher-led nursery within the school building.
Whether you are looking for nursery or reception places, we would be very happy to give you a tour of school so you can find out all about our warm, welcoming and successful provision here at St George’s Primary School and Nursery.
Please email the school office at requesting a school tour. We will contact you to book a convenient date when we return to school in September so please include a telephone number we can reach you on.

Special Prayer

We have had assemblies this week about keeping promises and telling the truth. We read The Boy Who Cried Wolf and then shared this prayer:


Loving God, help us to keep our promises.

Make us wise in the promises we make.

Help us all to be trustworthy people,

so that we can live together in love and harmony.


Returning Books

PLEASE can children bring all our Little People, Big Dreams books back to school, along with other school reading books, by Friday this week. We are still missing LOADS! Please can you ask your children to check their bedrooms and bags. Thank you. 😀

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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© St George's C of E Primary School and Nursery 2023
Shropshire web design by kiskadoo