Windrush Workshops

Thank you so much to Heather from TAARC (Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre) for delivering excellent workshops last week to every year group. The children and staff learned a lot, including the ‘who, what, when, where, why and how’ of the Windrush generation.


We are collecting stamps for Hilbrae Dog Rescue Kennels

Can you help us to collect used stamps please? We are collecting them for Hilbrae Rescue Kennels to help raise money for the dogs they look after. All you need to do is bring in stamps from envelopes you receive in the post. We will keep a box for them at the school office. This a long project and will continue all the way through the next school year so keep collecting them please and ask all your friends and family to do it too if you can!


Hilbrae Rescue Kennels

KS2 Talent Show 2024 Results

Well…what a show! Well done to all the children who auditioned and performed at our KS2 Talent Show yesterday. The judges found it very difficult to decide on an winner and runners up as the acts were amazing and we were blown away by the talents of our children. Huge congratulations to John in Y6 who was the overall winner for his gymnastics routine.

Happy Eid!

Happy Eid to our families who celebrate this festival!


Our World Debates

Last week we led 4 days of debating for 24 local schools, including our own Y5/6 debate team.
The theme was Our World and included debate topics such as ‘Books should be banned to save trees’ and ‘Everyone should switch to electric cars’.
Over 400 children had the opportunity to join in with debates during the week and we had a great time!

Non-Uniform Day- Friday 14th

Don’t forget it is non-uniform day on Friday 14th and children are asked to bring in a donation of something we can use for the summer fair or £1 please (if families feel they are able to). Really useful donations are items such as bottles of wine, candles, gift sets, new children’s toys, new colouring books/pen sets etc. Anything really that we can use on our tombola stalls and/or as raffle prizes. Thank you all, as always, for your continued support.

Thank You, B&Q!

Thank you to B&Q for a huge donation of seeds and bulbs for school! 🥰

Whole School Photo- 20th June

As you will know from the newsletter and dates for the diary, we are having a whole school giant photo taken on Thursday 20th June. The last one of these to be taken was way back in 2013 so this doesn’t happen very often!
ALL children will be included in this photo and need to be in school uniform, including having a green fleece, cardigan or jumper in school that day. The usual consent forms for photos does not apply to this photo so PLEASE INFORM THE SCHOOL OFFICE BY FRIDAY 14TH JUNE IF YOU DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR YOUR CHILD TO BE IN THE PHOTO.
The photo will be framed in school and parents/carers will also be able to purchase a copy.
Thank you!

Year 5/6 Online Safety Performance

Year 5 and 6 parents and carers- don’t forget to book your place to watch Snap Trap theatre performance in school on Friday this week with your child!
We have booked 2engage Theatre Company to come into school on Friday 14th June for Year 5 and 6. Each child in these year groups can have one parent/carer attend the performance too so please book your parent/carer place using ParentPay now. You do not need to book a place for your child as they will all watch the performance as part of our online safety curriculum. We have paid for the theatre company to come into school so there is no charge to you for this experience. The performance lasts 50-60 minutes.
Year 5’s performance starts at 1pm. Parents/carers who attend can take children home early at the end of this should you wish to.
Year 6’s performance starts at 2.15pm.
We would love for every child to have a parent/carer come and join them for this performance if possible so please do book a place. Thank you for your support.

Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Invasion. The movement of an army into a region as an attack that’s part of a war or conflict. (Invasion is one of our core concepts in our history curriculum.)
Question of the week: Is there an activity you would like to try?
Music of the week: Count On Me by Bruno Mars
Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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© St George's C of E Primary School and Nursery 2023
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