Thank you!

Wow! Only day 3 of our Reverse Advent Calendar and look at all the donations we have had! Thank you so much. The donations will be shared between Maninplace (local homeless charity) and The Lion’s Club hamper scheme which provides food hampers for local families in need at Christmas.
Staff, children and families can bring something in any day to add to our calendar between now and 16th December. Thank you 😊

Christmas Family Quiz

Mr Porteous is hosting another family quiz for us on Friday 4th December at 5pm. Those of you who took part in the quizzes during lockdown will know they are good fun and very interactive. This one is Christmas themed so get those Christmas jumpers ready! You can join the live quiz via our school Facebook page.





Christmas at St George’s

The tree is up! Thank you to some of our Y6 pupils for decorating it so beautifully with Mrs Dale today.


Black History Month Art Competition

Well done to Eesha and Owen who received a certificate and prize today for entering the Black History Month Art Competition organised by Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre.


Please can you help us?

Can you help us please? We are looking to recruit at least two new governors for school and would like to ask if you could share the information below with members of the community or within your workplaces. Unfortunately, all our parent governor places are already filled so we are unable to have any more parents on the Governing Body at this time.

This poster attached gives more information. Many thanks.

Governor recruitment draft PDF website 30.11.20 final

Precautionary Testing for Covid

Telford and Wrekin are now asking residents to get a Covid test for ‘precautionary’ symptoms including:
aches and pains
feeling very tired for no good reason
sore throat
runny nose
tummy ache in children.
When booking make sure you answer the question ‘Why are you asking for a test’ with ‘My local council or health protection team has asked me (or someone) I live with t get a test, even though I do not have symptoms’.
You do not need to isolate if you have these symptoms, you can get a test quickly, likely on the same day and results should be back within 24 – 48 hours.

Is your child eligible for free school meals or Early Years premium?

Schools are asked to encourage parents to go to Telford and Wrekin’s Website: Free School Meals to check eligibility and apply for free school meals.

Early Years and Childcare providers are being asked to encourage parents of pre-school age children to go to Telford and Wrekin’s Website: Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) to check eligibility for child care funding and apply for extra support.

Any questions, please do contact the school office via email or telephone.

Christmas Cards

Children can bring in Christmas cards from this week until Monday 14th December. Please only write cards for staff and children in their own year group and ask them to NOT lick the envelopes.

As cards come in each class will keep them in a ‘quarantine’ box and then we will hand them all out right at the end of term.

Cards must be in school by the morning of Monday 14th December at the latest. We will not be able to give out any cards that arrive after this date. Thank you.

Class Attendance Winners w.b. 23rd November

Well done to these two classes for winning the attendance certificates for last week!

Miss Bibi (Y2)- 99.59%

Mrs Weston (Y3)– 99.65%

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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© St George's C of E Primary School and Nursery 2023
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