Message from Rev. Kevin Evans

From; Rev. Kevin Evans, Chair of Governors, St. George’s School.

To; All parents and carers.

It feels strange to be preparing what is in many ways a Christmas Message at the end of a year which seems not to have got started. We have experienced a year of such disruption and uncertainty. It has been a year unlike many of us have ever known. But despite this it has been a year of overcoming and achievement and maintaining life and purpose and most of all, hope.

It has also been a year of learning, not just for our children but for all of us. I am writing on behalf of the Governing Body to say thank you and well done to all of you for the way you have responded to the challenges presented to our school through the continuing Covid pandemic and played your part in overcoming them.

We have relearned how responsible we are for our shared health, safety and wellbeing. Thank you for taking that responsibility seriously and doing so with patience and good humour. I certainly will always cherish the privilege of watching over 500 children, parents and carers entering our school site not just safely but happily and carefully and ready to learn and to share.

And now we have great news! Wonderful things have been achieved in preparing vaccines against Covid in record time making next year much more hopeful and promising.

The papers are telling us that ‘Christmas is back on!’ We have news for them, Christmas was never off. Christmas cannot be cancelled, Christmas is for EVER and for EVERYONE and most of all, as we have seen this year, lives all year in our hearts and hopes.

May we all have a peaceful and blessed Christmas and wonderful New Year.

Positive COVID test results new email address

We have set up a new email address to be used by parents to report any positive COVID test results to us out of school hours.

We will be checking this email address in the evenings and at weekends. Please do not email this address for any other COVID queries- it is JUST for reporting positive cases.

Thank you.

Telford and Wrekin Bulletin

Message from Telford and Wrekin:

Many residents who have tested positive for coronavirus have also displayed other symptoms than the main ones.

As the number of cases in our borough remains high and above the national average – we need to identify cases as early as possible, so we can slow down the spread of the virus.

We are now asking you to book a COVID-19 test as a precaution, if you are showing other symptoms, such as:

  • Headaches
  • Aches and pains
  • Feeling tired for no good reason
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Tummy ache in children

You can book a test online, it’s quick and easy.

When you get the following question in the online form “Why are you asking for a test?”  – you need to select the following answer:
– My local council or health protection team has asked me (or someone I live with) to get a test, even though I do not have symptoms

If you are booking a coronavirus test as a precaution due to one or more of the above symptoms, you don’t need to self-isolate unless you receive a positive test result.

For the full bulletin please click on the following link:




Y1 Bubble Closure- confirmed case

Unfortunately a parent of a Y1 pupil has informed us their child has been tested and has received a positive Covid test result. Fortunately the child is doing well which is very good news.

We have texted all Y1 parents already this morning which will be followed by an emailed letter today. All Y1 children MUST now isolate and are not allowed out of their home. Y1 children can return to school on Thursday 3rd December.

Siblings and families of Y1 pupils do not need to isolate unless you have symptoms.

Please direct any questions to the admin email address or telephone the school office.

Thank you for your ongoing support. As you can imagine, this is a difficult situation which we are working through with the support of Telford and Wrekin’s Health Protection Hub.


Breakfast Club- drop off time 8am

Please can we politely ask parents to drop Breakfast Club children off for the 8am start. To support working parents who need to use this service, rather than running one Breakfast Club this year we are running eight to ensure year group bubbles are kept apart. This means that only one member of staff runs each year group Breakfast Club so are unable to man the doors too after children come in at 8am. Thank you for your help with this.


Christmas Project- aerial photos and filming of classes


Last week we emailed parents who have not yet returned their children’s consent forms for photographs etc as well as any parents who do not consent for their child’s photo to be used on the school’s Facebook and website. We are sharing this letter with everyone in case you have not received it.

Please note, we only need to hear back from parents who usually do NOT allow their children’s photo to be used but ARE allowing them to take part in this project (plus parents who have still not returned their annual consent form). If you are a parent in either of these groups, and you do not contact us, your child will NOT be able to take part. Any queries, please contact school, thank you.

Click here to read the letter:

aerial photo final letter to parents


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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