Y5 Bubble Closure Letter

This is the letter being emailed out to all Y5 parents today.

Y5 confirmed case 28.10.20

Please note, children in Y5 can return to school on Friday 6th November (text earlier today had said Monday 9th).

Thank you.

Y5 Bubble Closure

Unfortunately a parent of a Y5 pupil has informed us today of a positive Covid test. Fortunately the child is doing well which is very positive news.  

We have texted all Y5 parents already this morning which will be followed by an emailed letter today. All Y5 children MUST now isolate. We will confirm the dates of isolation and return to school for Y5 pupils in the emailed letter.  

Siblings and families of Y5 pupils do not need to isolate.  

Please direct any questions to the admin email address which is being checked daily.  


Thank you for your ongoing support. As you can imagine, this is a difficult situation which we are working through with the support of Telford and Wrekin’s Health Protection Hub.


Confirmed Case

Unfortunately we have had a staff member in Y5 confirmed as testing positive for Covid-19. In collaboration with Telford and Wrekin’s Health Protection Hub, we have spoken directly to a small group of parents whose children have been in close contact with the member of staff. Their children will need to isolate for 14 days. We have also spoken to any staff who have been in close contact for them to isolate.

As far as we are aware, there are no other implications for our school at this time but we will contact parents immediately should this change in the future.


Free School Meals Breakfast Packs

Telford and Wrekin have announced they will be extending funding breakfast packs for families in receipt of free school meals until the end of the Christmas holidays. Please read the attached letter for how you have register with this scheme to get a free pack of breakfast foods such a cereals, bread and eggs each week. Packs need to be collected by yourselves each week from the Parish Rooms which are based in the same building as our school.

Free School Meals holiday letter (Breakfast Scheme only)

Thank you!

Thank you so very much for supporting our mufti day and raffle today. With your generous help we have raised almost £900. WOW!
We have lots of lovely activities planned to make Christmas in school special this year so the money will be spent on this.
Thank you again and we hope you all have a really fantastic half term break. 😊

Small Business Support

We have added a post to the school’s Facebook page for any local small businesses to add their links. Please do go and have a look as there are a great range of businesses and services on offer.

School Uniform Reminders

Dear Parents,

I understand there has been a discussion about boots in school on social media. I am emailing everyone the school’s Uniform Policy which was sent out to all parents in the summer term and can also be found on this website. We kindly ask that children wear black school shoes and not boots or trainers please. If your child wears the PE Uniform each day, they should wear black trainers please.

The policy states what we would like to happen but by law we cannot actually enforce this. I do hope however that you will continue to support us as a school and help us to be as smartly presented as we can for each school day. It is lovely to see the children being proud of belonging to the St George’s Family in their school uniform.

Can I also clarify that if your child wears earrings to school that they should be small, plain studs and that they will need to remove these themselves for PE lessons. School will not be held responsible if their earrings are lost so I would suggest that they don’t wear any on PE days.

Many thanks for your continued support in this matter.

Reception Artists!

RC have been busy doing some art. We looked at some 2d and 3d art done by a Japanese artist called  Yayoi Kusama. We used black paint and different sized paintbrushes to make our own spotty pictures.

We also painted a pumpkin as part of the art work.


Kisses of Kindness

Thank you to Mrs Newbold and Miss Slaney for putting up this lovely display made by children in Y5 and Y6 as part of our World Mental Health Day last week.

Calling small businesses!

We all know that small businesses are finding times tough at the moment so we would like to help out our school community by adding a post onto our school’s Facebook page where parents can add links to their businesses. I will start launch a post on Monday 19th October and you can add your link to it anytime next week. I hope this idea works- worth giving it a try.
Please do not add anything this week- we want to do it next week so people know when and where to look for the links. 😊
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