Special Prayer

Loving God, Help us to look after our school and one another. Help us to always respect others, to do our best, to believe in ourselves and to make the most of every opportunity to learn and grow. Amen.

Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Acorn. An acorn is the fruit of an oak tree.
Question of the week: If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be? Why?
Music of the week: My Lighthouse by The Rend Collective (actions included this week as we have been learning these moves in school!)

Special Prayer

This is our school,

let peace dwell here.

Let our school be full of contentment.

let love abide here-

love of one another,

love of mankind, love of life itself

and love of God.

Let us remember that as many hands build a house,

so many hearts make a school.


Glasses Appeal

Can you help us to collect pairs of glasses please? We are supporting the Lions Club with their appeal (see details in the photo). Please bring in any donations of glasses to the school office after half term. Thank you!


Artist Visitor

Thank you to local artist Neil who has been in school again this week to add our values to the KS1 playground. He has also added our school motto to the hall.

We Are National Record Breakers!

We broke a national record today for the school with the most children to have their screening for Type 1 Diabetes in the whole country! We had a total of 114 children take part. Thank you everyone!

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone for supporting our PTFA’s New Rule Day today in school. The children had a fabulous time and it was so lovely to see the effort families had put in to helping us. Together we have raised a WHOPPING £810 towards the new adventure play. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

PTFA meeting-Everyone Welcome!

Our next PTFA meeting is being held on Monday 3rd June, 7.30pm in The Parish Room (the door is situated on the main school car park). The PTFA are a group of parents, carers and friends of the school who help to run events and raise money for items such as a new adventure playground. At this meeting we’ll be discussing Summer Fair plans. We’d love people to come along! It is a really friendly group so not only can you help our school but also meet new friends. Please feel free to email the PTFA if you would like to know more or simply turn up on the 3rd. friendsofstgeorgesptfa@gmail.com
Thank you!
Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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