Roger Betteridge (Governor)

In loving memory of Roger Betteridge, Governor, St George’s C.E. Primary School.

We were all shocked and saddened by the sudden death recently of Roger, one of our school governors.

Roger was our longest serving governor having accepting the role soon after moving into the area  with his wife Jan, and their eldest daughter Emma, had started at St. George’s school. In turn Katie, Beccy and Pippa followed their big sister through St. George’s and Roger maintained and developed his participation and contribution to the life of the school as both parent and governor.  Thankfully, even after Pippa moved on into senior school  he continued in a new capacity as a governor right up to the end of his life amongst us.

Roger was a great gift to the school with his expertise and wisdom. He also was good to be around as he made his contributions in a thoughtful and gracious way.

As chair of governors I found great reassurance in the knowledge of Rogers’s presence and his ability and commitment to the school. I know we will all miss him deeply.

Another aspect of Roger besides his devotion to family and his faith, was his voluntary work at Blist’s Hill Museum. I only became aware of this on a visit there with my wife Janet and her two goddaughters, when we went in to see the Pit head winding gear. There was Roger in his costume carefully explaining the vital process of lowering and lifting the workers and materials up and down the pit shaft. Looking back I think if I had to entrust myself to being in a crowded cage and lowered rapidly deep down into the earth, I could think of no better person to be doing it.

Thank you, Roger for everything. Goodbye, and God Bless.

Reverend Kevin Evans

Guidance for parents from The Department for Education

The Department for Education updated their guidance for parents on 30th June. Please click here to access the guidance. Thank you.

Safeguarding Guidance

On 25th June the Department for Education published guidance (click blue link) called keeping children safe from abuse and harm. This is aimed at parents and carers and brings together sources of information about the main risks children may be vulnerable to.

It signposts parents to help and support that is available. There are many useful links in the document as well as more general advice for parents.

If you do ever have any concerns about your own family or another family you know, please do not hesitate to contact us at school for help. Our designated safeguarding lead is Mrs Sixsmith and we also have four deputy safeguarding leaders who are Mrs Johnson- Taylor, Mrs Jervis, Mrs Croft and from September Mrs Evans who is also our new SENCo (Special Needs and Inclusion). See attached poster for more details.

DSL poster updated final 2022

Prayer For Our School Community

Dear God,

Thank you for our school,
for the people in it
and the community around us.
Help us to be kind to each other
and to care for your creation,
living out our school values
in all that we do.


St Georges Community Rock Snake

Rock Snake!

Good afternoon everyone! 😊

Several groups within the St Georges community have decided to come together to make our own rock snake. You may have seen ‘Percy’ the rock snake which is based in Priorslee. It is fantastic and has hundreds of painted rocks. We would love for you all to get involved in our own snake!

A fantastic artist, Sarah Jayne, has painted the head for our snake and it has already been placed at the main entrance to Little Dragons. This will then lead down towards the ‘Flash’.

Please join in and add your own colourful rocks and let’s see how long it grows. We can’t wait to see your creations!

Update for all parents 23.6.20


Dear Parents,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

You may have seen that it has been announced that the Government are planning for all pupils, in all year groups, to return to school in September. We have not been given any more details other than that yet and we are awaiting further guidance as to what this might actually look like. As always, I will write to you as soon as we know more.

We know that some children may be a little bit anxious about who their teacher is going to be in September. That is totally understandable, especially considering some children have been out of school for so long. We are currently finalising classes and staffing for September and will let you know who your child’s teacher is when we send out their end of year reports, via email, in the next couple of weeks. As I’m sure you can imagine, this has all been much harder to do this year with everything else going on!

As a staff, we really are looking forward to school being back to ‘normal’ as I’m sure you are too.

Kind regards,

Mrs Sally Sixsmith

Head Teacher

New Art Gallery

Thank you and well done to staff and children who have worked so hard to get our new Art Gallery up and running. The idea will be to change the pictures every now and then so we can celebrate lots of children’s masterpieces over time.

We can’t wait for everyone to return to school so you can all come and have a look.

End of term dates

Dear Parents,

I do hope you are all well and keeping safe.

I am writing again to continue to keep you informed. The school year will finish for all children on Wednesday 15th July, including for the children of key workers.

We plan to open school on Thursday 16th July and invite Y6 children only in to do something special for them, as they will be starting at various secondary schools in September. This will of course be subject to social distancing and will involve the Y6s being in small groups, as we have been doing with the pods. Further details will be sent out to Y6 families but we do wish to stress that this could change should new guidance come in for schools before then.

Clearly, these dates are all open to change as we are still awaiting news about what will be expected of schools in September. We also have not been told if school buildings will be used over the summer holidays.

As always, I will update you when I know more. Thank you once again for your continuing patience.

Mrs Sixsmith

Whole school update letter 16.6.20

Please read attached letter which was emailed to all parents earlier today. Please note that the Government have now announced that they will be funding the Free School Meals Vouchers over the Summer holidays which is great news.

Update letter to parents final 16.6.20

Congratulations to Mrs Breakspeare!

We are thrilled to let you all know that Mrs Breakspeare has had a beautiful baby girl called Charlotte. I am sure you will all join us in wishing Mrs Breakspeare and her family all the very best and we can’t wait to meet Baby Charlotte.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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