Emotional Health and Wellbeing





We hope you are keeping safe and well. We know that for some, being in lockdown is difficult. We will try to keep adding resources and information which may help you. Thank you to Miss Slaney, one of our teaching assistants, for working really hard on this.



Y5 and Y6 Author Competitions

We have been sent details of three competitions from author Luke Temple. Having looked at this, we think it is suitable for our pupils in Years 5 and 6. Any entries need to be sent directly to the details given, not into school please. We’d love as many children to enter as possible- you could win a school visit from Luke!

Here are the details from Luke:

To help bring a bit of excitement to children’s ‘home schooling’, I have:

  • Made my most popular book, Mutating Mansion, completely free to download.
  • Created an activity pack for KS2, ‘Luke Temple’s Writing Toolbox‘. This contains lots of the tools I use to help make my books really exciting, fun and scary to read. I hope children can use the tools to have a go at their own writing.
  • There is also a competition in the activity pack to win a signed book and a free author visit to their school (there are 3 of these prizes up for grabs). The closing date for the competition is 31st May.

The book and activity pack, including the competition details, can be downloaded from www.luketemple.co.uk/toolbox


Heroes Art Project

Miss Mogg has set you all a task to create a piece of art work based on the title ‘Heroes’. You can make anything you like and then send in a photo of your finished masterpieces to admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk by Wednesday 29th April. Only artwork emailed in will be included in the finished film we will put together- anything shared directly on Facebook will be celebrated but won’t be added to the film.

We can’t wait to see what you create! Here is a photo of Miss Mogg’s Hero art.

Mrs Annett’s Red Dragon Pie

Thank you to Mrs Annett for this Red Dragon Pie recipe- just in time for St George’s Day tomorrow!

St George’s Day Work

Don’t forget we would like to see work this week from our children about St George and St George’s Day. Children can do anything they like- writing, pictures, designing a dragon, etc. Anything! Please see the previous post for more details. Well done to Ronnie and Reggie who have already sent in a photo of a picture they have done together at home.

Well done Sophie!

Well done to Sophie C in Y5 for winning a ‘design a scrunchie’ competition. She entered at home with her fantastic NHS themed design. We are most impressed Sophie!

Food donations needed again please.

We are really pleased that a growing number of families have received food parcels in the past week. We now know that we will need more donations coming in in order to continue this service to our school community. If you feel you are able to contribute, please drop any donations in the box which will be outside the main school office each day from 8am-3.30pm. Any food and toiletry donations would be gratefully received. Many thanks for your continued support- we know your help with this has made a huge difference to some of our families already.

St George’s Day Project

St George’s Day

Thursday 23rd April is St George’s Day. We would love children to create art work, write stories, do some research and make a fact file, make a PowerPoint presentation, etc. You can do whatever you like about St George or how people celebrate St George’s Day and we’d then love to see your work! You can either email work, or a photo of it, to admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk anytime before next Thursday. We can then celebrate your work on our website and Facebook page. Thank you!

St George's Day | Springwell Park Community Primary School

Send in your reading photos!

Hi Everyone,

We would love to share all the reading that has been going on at home so please email a photo of you reading your favourite book to admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk. We will then put all the photos of children, families, staff and governors reading into a film.

Please note that this will then be shared on our school website and Facebook page. All photos need to be sent into school by 1pm on Wednesday 22nd April. Thank you!

Thank you St George’s Community!

Wow! We have had so many food and toiletry donations come into school in just two days. Thank you very much- we are so proud to be part of such a fantastic community!
For now, we don’t need any more donations but will let you know if we start to run out. Obviously if you have already been out to buy donations, we will still gladly accept them.
We are well set up now to help lots of families- please do let us know if we can help. It is very private and confidential so other people will not know if you have contacted us for support.
Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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