Well Done, William!

What a season it’s been for William!
69 competitive games played.
8 clubs represented throughout the season in various competitions. Midlands number one GK in the JPL.
Attended a training camp with Real Madrid Toured academy teams in Spain.
Worked with Wolves Development all season.
Currently on trial with Shrewsbury Town.
Playing up a year on a Sunday.
14 clean sheets.
Tour to Belgium this week then the national finals to complete when he represents the Midlands nationally.
We are all super proud of you!

Special Prayer

Oh Lord

Bless our school,

that working together and playing together

we may learn to serve you

and to help one another.


Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Thank You Kitchen Team!

A HUGE thank you to our EPIC kitchen team who served up over 460 America Diner meals yesterday! Thanks also to school staff for decorating the hall and for making the lunchtime so exciting for the children.

Type 1 Diabetes

Last week Mrs Sixsmith led assemblies about Type 1 Diabetes. The link below takes you to a simple but very clear film explaining what Type 1 Diabetes is for children. There are also some great resources to look at with your child if you go onto the Diabetes UK website.
Don’t forget all children can have a simple finger prick test done by a nurse at school on Thursday 23rd May as part of the ELSA Study. All children aged 3-13 are being offered this test to see if there is an indication that they are at risk of Type 1 Diabetes. All St George’s children have brought home a letter explaining that parents/carers need to resister their child to have the test. You can ask the school office for another letter if you have lost this
So far we have had 93 children be signed up for the finger prick test but with almost 600 children in school, it would be great to get some more!

Can you or your business help us please?

Raffle-Tastic Prizes


Do you work with or for a local business and think they might be open to offering a prize for our sensational Summer Fair Raffle? If so, we need your help! We’re super-keen to pack this year’s raffle with even more goodies, treats, and general deliciousness, and we’d be really grateful for anything you could help with. Vouchers for services or treats. Tickets for admission. Prizes to eat, drink or entertain. Anything that you’d love to win we know others would too so please drop whatever you have off at the school office, or email the PTFA team friendsofstgeorgesptfa@gmail.com and one of us can come and collect it from you. (Do make sure your name’s on it too, so that we know where to send our biggest thanks!)


Can You Give a Hand? (Pretty Please)

We have some pretty #epic stalls and activities planned for this year’s Summer Fair, but we just don’t have quite enough hands. Are you (or a member of your family) free for a couple of hours on Friday 28th June? We need help setting up from lunchtime onwards, and also help running some of the stalls – you’re welcome for one or both, and any time you can give would be so, so appreciated! We’ll make sure you’re all set and supported, and we promise it’ll be lots of fun too. Plus, you’ll be helping raise much-needed funds to benefit all our children. Do email friendsofstgeorgesptfa@gmail.com if you can help even a little. Huge thanks!


Stall Holders Wanted!

Summer Fair Stalls Up-For-Grabs!


We have a small number of stalls available to rent for our sensational Summer Fair, after school on Friday 28th June 2024, and we wanted to offer them to our lovely families first. So, if you have a child, grandchild, niece or nephew at the school and you make, bake or sell something brilliant, then please do apply for a place.


Stalls are capped at just £10 and you’ll naturally keep anything you make. Simply email friendsofstgeorgesptfa@gmail.com to secure your space now (naturally it’s all on a first-come-first-served basis, and we have caps on the number of stalls selling similar items to make sure there’s a great diversity and range on offer). Thanks so much!


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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© St George's C of E Primary School and Nursery 2023
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