Newsletter Welcome

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Word, question and word of the week

Word of the week: environment. An environment is everything that is around us, which includes both living and non-living things such as soil, water, animals and plants.
Question of the week: What makes someone a good friend?
Music of the week: Psalm 34 (Live) by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

PTFA New Rule Day 23rd May

Please see this poster for a PTFA fundraising day on Thursday 23rd May. We think the children will love this day!
All money raised from this event will go towards us saving for new adventure play equipment.

Thank You B&Q!

WOW! Thank you to B&Q Telford for generously donating all of these beautiful plants to school. There were so many that Mrs Sixsmith couldn’t fit them all in her car! We can’t wait for staff and children to get planting to make our environment even lovelier.

Missing Books- Please can you help?

We are again missing LOADS of our very popular ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ books. We love that so many children are borrowing them but please can everyone have a look at home and in school bags so they can be returned for others to be able to read them too. We ask that the children only borrow them for one night and then pop them back on the shelves outside Mrs Sixsmith’s office the next day please. Thanks everyone!

Newsletter Welcome

This week our newsletter is packed full of items to celebrate as it actually covers the last two weeks. We do hope you enjoy reading about our exciting news! Please look on the website in the individual year groups’ pages for more information.

Special Prayer

Lillian and Elizabeth in Y5 have written this special prayer to use in school.

Special Prayer

Father God,

Help us in our work each day.

Give us concentration that we may listen,

understanding that we may learn,

and peaceful minds so that we may remember.


Donations of Soft Toys Needed Please

Can you help please? We are looking for donations of soft toys/teddy bears for our very popular Bearbola stall at the summer fair on 28th June. We are happy to accept these into school at anytime so please drop off to the school office if you have any for us. Many thanks!


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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