Y1 Bubble Closure- confirmed case

Unfortunately a parent of a Y1 pupil has informed us their child has been tested and has received a positive Covid test result. Fortunately the child is doing well which is very good news.

We have texted all Y1 parents already this morning which will be followed by an emailed letter today. All Y1 children MUST now isolate and are not allowed out of their home. Y1 children can return to school on Thursday 3rd December.

Siblings and families of Y1 pupils do not need to isolate unless you have symptoms.

Please direct any questions to the admin email address or telephone the school office.


Thank you for your ongoing support. As you can imagine, this is a difficult situation which we are working through with the support of Telford and Wrekin’s Health Protection Hub.


Breakfast Club- drop off time 8am

Please can we politely ask parents to drop Breakfast Club children off for the 8am start. To support working parents who need to use this service, rather than running one Breakfast Club this year we are running eight to ensure year group bubbles are kept apart. This means that only one member of staff runs each year group Breakfast Club so are unable to man the doors too after children come in at 8am. Thank you for your help with this.


Classroom in the Clouds Nepal

Mrs Sixsmith works with a charity (Classrooms in the Clouds Nepal) that helps to build earthquake safe schools in remote areas of the Himalayan mountains. The charity also helps to fund female teachers and train them to improve the education for Nepali children. She has been to visit all St George’s Y3 and Y4 classrooms this term to show photos of her trips to Nepal and to tell our pupils all about life there. Mrs Sixsmith will visit other classes throughout the year.
We have been asked to send a short ‘Happy Diwali’ message to the children in Nepali villages who are supported by Classrooms in the Clouds. Hopefully they will then send us a happy Christmas message back in a few weeks.
We have posted the video for you to enjoy and we have had to explain to our Nepali friends that our school uniform doesn’t usually look like this! 😊

St Georges Partnership Christmas Cards

Well done to Riley for winning the Christmas card competition. The card is being sold in our school office on behalf of the St Georges Partnership for £1 each. Any profits from the sale of the card will be split between our school and the St Georges Partnership. If you would like one, please could you email the school office on admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk. Thank you.

Parents to wear masks please

Telford and Wrekin are asking for all parents entering the school site to now wear a mask at drop off and collection. We totally support this as it will be an extra measure to keep our school community safe. Please watch this short video for more information.
Please note, we cannot enforce this but we ask you to PLEASE help us in this matter. Thank you.

Anti-Bullying Week and Odd Socks Day (16th November)

The week beginning  16th November 2020 is Anti-Bullying week at school. Throughout the week, we will be focussing on the issue of bullying, the impact it can have and looking at ways in which we can stop it happening.

On Monday 16th November, along with the Anti-Bullying Alliance and many other schools around the country, we will be holding an ‘Odd Socks’ day in school to remind ourselves that we are all individuals and we are unique. We are hoping to have lots of fun celebrating our differences but how together we can unite to stop bullying.

Children still need to wear school uniform on the day please and they do not need to bring in a donation.