Children in Need

Next week we will be celebrating Children in Need all week with a special focus on our pupils’ mental health and wellbeing as well as physical health. Children will be taking part in various activities and we will be having a mufti day on Friday 13th November. Children can dress up, wear onesies, come in their own clothes- whatever they fancy! Children are asked to bring in a donation for children in Need if they can but please do not feel under pressure to do this- we know that many families are finding things financially tough at the moment. If your child is able to bring in a donation on Friday 13th, they can give it to staff in their year group when they get to school that day. 😊

You said… We did… SEND Survey

At the start of the year, I posted a SEND survey for parents on the school website. Thank you so much to those parents who completed this – it gave me a great baseline to work from and helped me to decide what needed to be prioritised first when starting my new role here at St George’s.

You said…
You weren’t sure how the school provides for children with SEND.
We did…
The SEND section on the website has been updated to provide information about interventions and provision that takes place in school.

You said…
You weren’t sure which interventions your child was receiving.
We did…
We have bought into a program called Provision Map, which parents will be able to access at home to see which interventions and provision their children are having in school. You will receive login details for this soon!

You said…
You weren’t sure where to find a copy of the SEND policy and information report.
We did…
The SEND policy and information report are on the school website within the SEND section. A paper copy can be supplied upon request.

You said…
You weren’t sure who to approach if you had concerns about your child or that concerns weren’t addressed quickly enough.
We did…
The SEND information report explains that if there are any initial concerns to discuss this with your child’s class teacher as they know your child best in school. If you continue to have concerns or with to discuss anything else, please feel free to contact myself (Holly Evans, SENDCo) on the school office number 01952387750. Concerns will be aimed to be addressed within a one week turnaround.


Many thanks,

Mrs Evans

Emailing School

Morning everyone,

Please can we ask if you are emailing school can you state in your email who you are, who your child/ren are and which years groups they are in? This is to make it easier and quicker for us to respond accurately to any queries you may have. Many thanks.



Y5 Bubble Closure

Unfortunately a parent of a Y5 pupil has informed us today of a positive Covid test. Fortunately the child is doing well which is very positive news.  

We have texted all Y5 parents already this morning which will be followed by an emailed letter today. All Y5 children MUST now isolate. We will confirm the dates of isolation and return to school for Y5 pupils in the emailed letter.  

Siblings and families of Y5 pupils do not need to isolate.  

Please direct any questions to the admin email address which is being checked daily. 

Thank you for your ongoing support. As you can imagine, this is a difficult situation which we are working through with the support of Telford and Wrekin’s Health Protection Hub.


Confirmed Case

Unfortunately we have had a staff member in Y5 confirmed as testing positive for Covid-19. In collaboration with Telford and Wrekin’s Health Protection Hub, we have spoken directly to a small group of parents whose children have been in close contact with the member of staff. Their children will need to isolate for 14 days. We have also spoken to any staff who have been in close contact for them to isolate.

As far as we are aware, there are no other implications for our school at this time but we will contact parents immediately should this change in the future.


Thank you!

Thank you so very much for supporting our mufti day and raffle today. With your generous help we have raised almost £900. WOW!
We have lots of lovely activities planned to make Christmas in school special this year so the money will be spent on this.
Thank you again and we hope you all have a really fantastic half term break. 😊

Small Business Support

We have added a post to the school’s Facebook page for any local small businesses to add their links. Please do go and have a look as there are a great range of businesses and services on offer.

School Uniform Reminders

Dear Parents,

I understand there has been a discussion about boots in school on social media. I am emailing everyone the school’s Uniform Policy which was sent out to all parents in the summer term and can also be found on this website. We kindly ask that children wear black school shoes and not boots or trainers please. If your child wears the PE Uniform each day, they should wear black trainers please.

The policy states what we would like to happen but by law we cannot actually enforce this. I do hope however that you will continue to support us as a school and help us to be as smartly presented as we can for each school day. It is lovely to see the children being proud of belonging to the St George’s Family in their school uniform.

Can I also clarify that if your child wears earrings to school that they should be small, plain studs and that they will need to remove these themselves for PE lessons. School will not be held responsible if their earrings are lost so I would suggest that they don’t wear any on PE days.

Many thanks for your continued support in this matter.

Telford PODS Christmas treat for children with Special Educational Needs

PODS (Parents Opening Doors) is a parent led charity with staff and volunteers who have ‘real life’ experience to support families who have a child with a disability or additional need (aged 0 – 25 years). They are hosting a fantastic Christmas treat for those children with Special Educational Needs. Read below to find out more and how to apply.

PODS Christmas Elves!!

Are the children/young people looking forward to Christmas? Are you wondering how you will arrange a visit to Father Christmas? We may have the answer!

With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing and restrictions tightening, it has become increasingly obvious that we are not going to be able to bring the normal PODS festivities that so many of our members look forward too. We know only too well how isolating and difficult this year has been for everyone, so we really want to bring a bit of Christmas joy to you all. Throughout December staff will be dressing up as Santa’s Elves and be delivering presents direct to your door. We will have 4 options of presents to choose from so you can pick the most appropriate for your children/young person. Presents will be available for every child in the house, Sen children aged 0-25 and their siblings 0-16. You will be allocated a time slot to ensure your children will be home when the Elf calls. Presents are limited and will be allocated strictly on a first come first served basis to PODS members living in Telford and Wrekin only! When applying please provide all requested information or your request will not be processed. Only email requests will be accepted, requests will open at 10am Saturday 17th October, any requests before this date will not be processed.

You will be notified by the 31st October if you have been successful. Only 1 gift per child, presents are free of charge however donations would be most welcome to enable us to fund more gifts.

Please email – Your full name, address, contact number, child name and present choice for each child to

Present options – photos are to give an example of what the presents may look like, actual gift maybe different: