End of the school day

Thank you so much for your support at the end of the day today. We are trying REALLY hard to ensure families are socially distancing on the exit path. Lots of you worked with us today to wait until it was safe to move down the path- your support is very much appreciated.
We do have far too many parents coming to collect at 2.55pm. This is causing the crowding on the exit path. PLEASE come in your allocated time slot.
All children have come home today with a detailed letter about the end of the day plus it is linked here to this post.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday 😊

Free Breakfast Packs for Children

St Georges and Priorslee Parish Council

Free Breakfast Packs for Children

St Georges & Priorslee Parish Council is issuing free children’s breakfast packs to children in receipt of Free School Meals who live in the St Georges or Priorslee area. Breakfast packs will typically contain bread, milk, cereal, jam, eggs, baked beans and fruit.

Please e-mail us at clerk@stgeorgesandpriorslee-pc.gov.uk or phone us on 01952 567700 to book your breakfast pack.

Breakfast packs will be available to collect from:

Parish Centre (next to St Georges Primary School)

Grove Street

St Georges



Collection on Tuesday mornings from 9.00 a.m. until noon.

Last collection Tuesday 27th October

To qualify for the free breakfast pack your child must be in receipt of Free School Meals.

Please bring evidence that you are receiving one of the following:

Universal Credit

Income Support

Income-based JSA

Income-based ESA

Child Tax Credit

Guarantee element of Pension Credit

Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Thank you to Telford & Wrekin Council who are funding this initiative

Special Educational Needs Parent Voice

At St George’s, we believe parents of children with SEND play an essential part in supporting their children’s progress both in and out of school and we’d love to know what you think about our current SEND provision.

If you have a child with SEND, please could you take two minutes to fill out this questionnaire. Feedback is very important to us so that we can provide the best possible support for children with SEND.

SEND Parent Voice

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch with myself Holly Evans (SENDCo/Inclusion Lead) by calling the school office on 01952387750.

Harvest In Church

All of St Georges Church are disappointed we have not been able to welcome the school into church this year to celebrate Harvest, but the church will be open this Saturday afternoon from 2 – 4.00pm so you can come and see the flowers in the church.

Of course, the visits will have to be done in accordance with current guidelines, including the rule of 6, social distancing and the wearing of face coverings, but even with that, I am sure the church decorated for Harvest would be great to see.

God bless

Rev Kevin

Christmas Card Design Competition

Our children have been asked by the St Georges Partnership Group to design a Christmas card this year. The winning design will be printed by the partnership for use within the community.
Children can do any type of Christmas design from a tree and gifts to Jesus lying in his manger. The design can be colour or black and white. Prizes for different age groups will be awarded for the winning design by the partnership.
Every child will bring home a sheet this week to design their card- it would be great to have lots of entries! Please can designs be handed in to class teachers by Friday 2nd October at the latest.

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival Thursday 24th and Friday 25th September

This year we will be supporting Maninplace (local homeless charity) again with donations from our Harvest Festival. Unfortunately we are unable to hold our Harvest Festival in Church this year but we will be celebrating the festival throughout the week in classrooms.

The items the charity are most in need of are tinned goods such as soups, beans, vegetables, and fruit. Frey Bentos pies are also popular. Packets of soup and pasta pots, tea, coffee, sugar, and long-life milk would also make good donations. The charity also need food that they can make up into street food bags for people that don’t have access to cooking facilities so biscuits, energy bars, high protein bars, anything they can unwrap and eat straight away.

We will place boxes by the main school gate on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th September for any donations to be put in.

Many thanks for your support.

Special Educational Needs Parent Voice

At St George’s, we believe parents of children with SEND play an essential part in supporting their children’s progress both in and out of school and we’d love to know what you think about our current SEND provision.

If you have a child with SEND, please could you take two minutes to fill out this questionnaire. Feedback is very important to us so that we can provide the best possible support for children with SEND.

SEND Parent Voice

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch with myself Holly Evans (SENDCo/Inclusion Lead) by calling the school office on 01952387750.