Keeping Active at Home

Following the success of our previous video of the children dancing to ‘Reach’, we would like give the children the opportunity to be involved in another video.

This time, we would like to see how our children are keeping active at home. This may include aerobics, gymnastics, skipping, ball skills etc. If you are happy for your child to take part, film them being active and email the clip to by Friday 17th April 1pm. Please note that the completed film will be put on our school website, Facebook page and Twitter account.

We look forward to receiving your videos. Here is a clip of how Mr Porteous is keeping active at home for some inspiration…


Family Story Time

We have set it up so that if families want to record reading stories to be shared on the school website and Facebook they can do. We’d love to hear them!

We have now setup a folder within Microsoft OneDrive which you should all be able to access and upload your videos to which you would like for us to publish on the school website and Facebook page. This folder can be accessed via this link…/ErudcBYXuOtLkS…

Alternatively you can upload you video files to WeTransfer and send them to


St George’s Dancing Superstars!

Well if this doesn’t spread a bit of joy and happiness, we don’t know what will! Looking forward to the next school disco for a re-run of all these dance moves. Well done St George’s! We have had to shorten an hour’s worth of footage into 4 minutes so we hope you can spot everyone. 😊