Starting School Application Deadline

Starting School

If your child was born between 1 September 2017 – 31 August 2018 they can start school in September 2022. Remember to apply for your child’s school place by the deadline – 15 January 2022.

Link to application –


Nursery to Reception Transition Event SEND

SENDIASS – Early Years Transition Workshop Event

Telford and wrekin send iass website image

Is your child starting in Reception in September and do you think they may need additional support to enable them to make the transition from nursery into school a positive experience?

If so, SENDIASS is working with other key organisations to deliver an Early Years Transition Workshop Event.

This workshop aims to provide information and support to reassure parents, to enable them to feel more confident to ask questions. It will also help parents to  understand those key people that will be able to support their child during the transition period into school and once their child has settled into school.

Download the flyer for more information.

Book your place on Eventbrite.

For more information about this event please contact IASS.


By Phone: 01952 457176

New work- My Home and the weather

Good Morning to our fabulous nursery children and parents.

We know that things are a little odd at the moment, we do hope you are staying safe at home and doing lots of fun things together with the people you love.  Miss Whittaker, Miss Lees, Mrs Bowyer and Miss Tong all miss you very much and cannot wait to see and hear about the fun things you have been doing.

We thought over the next couple of weeks you might like to do some work about your home and the weather. We have popped some ideas at the bottom of the page for you to have a little go at, you can do as much or as little as you like. There are also a couple of activities on the 2do section of Purple Mash, that can even be seen by a teacher to comment on.

The most important thing for you to do is have fun, smile and stay safe at home, this is our biggest challenge yet in nursery but we know we can do it as a team, we are all sending you hugs, smiles and happiness.

1-my home and weather