Nursery’s sheep week!

In nursery we have a nursery rhyme of the week. This week we have learned the words to Baa baa black sheep. Throughout the week we have created sheep for our display, read many stories, and discussed colours and textures of wool. We have also learned about how sheep are sheered to make lots of important things like jumpers, house insulation and bedding to keep us warm and comfy at night!


Nursery’s little adventure!

This week the children have enjoyed their first trip to the adventure playground. They had a wonderful time learning to climb, jump and balance safely while having an active time with their friends!

Nursery’s fantastic first week!

This week in nursery the children have continued to make friends and settle into nursery life. We have made play dough, drawn pictures of people for our wall display, shared stories and painted many pictures. It has been a wonderful week!

Nursery’s super settling in!

This week in nursery the children have had lots of fun settling in and making new friends. We have explored the base, listened to stories, played inside, sang many action songs and had lots of fun on the playground. It has been a very busy week!

Nursery’s wonderful week!

In nursery it’s been a fun filled week! Throughout the year we have made many fabulous memories with the children. Although we will miss them, they are ready to spread their happy wings and fly off to their new adventure!

Nursery’s England football parade!

On Thursday we celebrated our England football team getting through to the final of the Euros! After making our flags we went on a parade around school. We had a great time waving our flags and walking around school while listening to the song ‘Three Lions’.

Nursery’s fantastic frog week!

Continuing our lifecycle learning, this week in nursery we have been focusing on frogs. We have shared many fabulous frog stories, completed jigsaws, coloured pictures, counted frogs, sung songs and discussed what we can see in our curiosity cube.


Nursery’s brilliant butterfly week!

This week in nursery we have released five butterflies to spread their happy wings and fly off into the big wide world! To celebrate we have spent the week creating beautiful butterflies that the children can take home to remember our nursery pets.

Nursery’s ‘try it Tuesday’

The children have continued to enjoy trying new foods in nursery. Lately we have tried pineapple, mango, coconut and retro fig rolls!