Well Done Nursery and Reception Children and Staff!

We have had 2 fantastic performances of our nativity by almost 100 children in nursery and reception today. They did so well and we got to hear some lovely singing and lots of great dance moves! Thank you to all the adults who came to watch- we do hope you enjoyed it too.

The Forest, a fire and marshmallows!

Last week we went for our last session of the year in the woods, as we have all learned how to keep ourselves and our friends safe we had a campfire and ate some toasted marshmallows in digestive biscuits! We all had a great time discussing the things we like about Forest School and can’t wait to go again next year!

Christmas has arrived in Nursery!

Last week in nursery we were very busy! We finished off our learning about space and began to decorate for Christmas. The children have had a brilliant time putting up the decorations, sharing Christmas stories and have loved beginning to use our new Christmas activity stations.

This weeks sound is ‘p’

This week in nursery we are learning the ‘p’ sound. You can make the sound by bringing your lips together then pushing them open to say p p p. Our items in what’s in the box this week are pencil, pizza, peg and penguin. Please practise this sound with your child and say the items shown below, you could help them look around your house to see if you can find anything else beginning with this sound.

Photos/videos for Christmas Performances/Carol Concerts

We know as proud parents and carers you may want to take photos/videos of your child performing in the Christmas performances/carol concerts. However, please note that a number of parents have not consented to photos being taken of their children in school and some of our children are currently in care.

Therefore, the taking of photos/videos does cause the school some safeguarding concerns.

Please can we ask that if you do take photos/videos please try to only take images of your own children where possible and do not post images of other children on your social media. Thank you for your support with this.

Learning about space

Last week we focused on Aliens and space, the children enjoyed the stories we shared, they counted aliens in a flying saucer, developed their vocabulary on colours and features when playing alien matching pairs while learning to taking turns with their friends and made their own aliens to play with on our space investigation station!