Sponsored Read Success! ⭐⭐⭐

Well done- You have completed your first half term back at school! -  Virginia Primary School

We would like to say a huge well done to all of the children who took part in our Sponsored Read as part of our Reading Challenge Week! We are so very proud of all of you for doing such fabulous reading and listening 😊  Thank you so much to all of the parents and carers for your support with this…. we raised a fantastic grand total of £967.20! We will be using the money raised to buy lots of brilliant new books for the children to enjoy in the classroom and at home 🥰📚⭐


Kitchen week

Last week in nursery we learned all about kitchens, we discussed food that we like, what happens in our kitchens at home, mixed recipes, created kitchen art, shared lots of stories, made fruit and vegetables talk using ChatterPix kids, and used kitchen items in our ‘Sink or Float’ game show with Wonder Whittaker!

Telling The Time ⌚

At St George’s, we believe that telling the time is a very important life skill. To assist us with our teaching of telling the time, we would like to encourage any children who own an analogue watch to wear it to school. Please do not feel pressured to buy one though if your child does not own one. We have invested in some additional analogue clocks that have been put up around school. Thank you so much for your support. Please note that Smart Watches cannot be worn to school for safeguarding reasons.

Book Fair! 📚😊🌟

We are pleased to announce the Book Fair will be running after school in the main hall on Friday 14th October, Monday 17th October and Tuesday 18th October.

There will be a fantastic selection of books for all ages, so please come along to browse!

Payments can be made in cash, by card (directly to the Scholastic website) or using gift vouchers.

To view the full selection of books, please visit    https://bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/parents?nt=t

Thank you 😊

We had a squeaky clean time in nursery last week!

As we have begun to learn about different rooms in our house, last weeks focus was on bathrooms. We had brilliant fun investigating soap, washing dolls, sharing stories and discussing all of the things we do in our bathrooms at home, and at school! Our nursery rhyme of the week was Row, row, row your boat and we had our first game show with Wonder Whittaker of Sink or Float? The children predicted what would sink or float brilliantly and we all had a fabulous time!


Black History Month Competition

For Black History month we are running a History competition! Children are asked to create a poster about a famous person in black history and hand it in to Miss Rogers (year 5) by the end of this half term (21st October). There will be a prize for each year group so make sure you clearly name and label your work with your year group as well.

Each week the History team will be sharing some information about a famous person to help inspire the children. This week the information is all about Mae Jemison.

Mae Jemison Fact File

It’s been a cracking week in nursery!

Over the last week our learning has been focused on the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty, we have had a fabulous time learning the rhyme, building walls, sharing stories with eggs in, creating pictures using paint and collage, finding and ordering egg numbers and we had many egg and spoon races on the nursery playground!

Puppet Theatre

Nursery are very excited about their new puppet theatre, they have had a fabulous day using the puppets, practising plays and performing for their friends, they cannot wait to perform more shows next week in nursery!

British Values

This week in nursery the children have learned about voting, each week on a Friday the children experience how to vote by all place their names above their favourite book of the week. The book with the most votes is the story we read on a Friday.

The majority of children chose Marvin gets mad as their favourite story of the week, what super voting nursery! Well done!


Nursery Rhymes

This week in nursery we have begun to learn the nursery rhyme Baa baa black sheep, the children have had a wonderful time singing, counting bags of wool, making sheep, discussing textures and learning about all of the wonderful uses of wool!