Our first week in nursery

All of the children have settled into nursery brilliantly, we have had lots of fun exploring the base, making new friendships and taking part in many activities including register time, painting, small world play, interactive stories, letters and sounds, daily draw, making play dough, water painting and bike riding outside, we have been very busy!

Caterpillar art and crafts

The nursery children have been very busy creating caterpillar masterpieces!

Caterpillars and butterflies!

In nursery the children have loved learning about the life cycle of a butterfly, we have had the hungry caterpillar magic story basket out many times, played matching pairs, sequenced days of the week from the story, created paintings, counted fruit and observed/nurtured our class caterpillars, we were all very excited to release nine butterflies over the last week to spread their happy wings and fly!

Sports day!

The nursery children finally got to do their sports day last Monday, they all had a wonderful time and ran as fast as they could, all of the staff from nursery were very proud of them. In the following days the children made themselves certificates with a drawing of their favourite race.

Safari animal painting

The children in nursery have loved learning about safari animals over the last couple of weeks, they have created some fantastic paintings and learned lots of facts about animals that originate from other countries.

Our first butterfly!

The children were very excited on Friday afternoon, just before we went to the summer fair one of our butterflies hatched out of its chrysalis! After a discussion we decided that we would need to add some food to both of the nets as the children thought more may hatch over the weekend, so we put half a satsuma in each net just in case! We can’t wait to see how many we have on Monday morning!

Caterpillar to chrysalis in a week!

The nursery children have been very excited to see how quickly our caterpillars have grown into ‘big fat caterpillars!’ On Friday we even had two that made their chrysalis’s ready to become beautiful butterflies! The children have loved sharing their knowledge of butterfly life cycles and observing each stage so far!

Sports Days 2022

Sports Days 2022 are as follows:

Monday 27th June – 9:30am – Foundation Stage Sports Day (RC and RG with Nursery)

Monday 27th June – 1:30pm – Foundation Stage Sports Day (RM with Nursery)

Tuesday 28th June – 9:30am – Year 3.4 Sports Day

Wednesday 29th June  – 9:30 am – Year 1.2 Sports Day

Thursday 30th June  – 9:30am – Year 5.6 Sports Day

All children in Nursery and Reception (Foundation Stage) will need to wear their normal P.E kit for their Sports Day.

Children in years 1 to 6 will need to wear either a red, blue or green t-shirt depending on what colour their class has been assigned.

Please note that children in Years 3 and 4 will be notified of the colour that they need to wear for Sports Day in due course.

1H – Green

1M – Blue

1B – Red

2P – Red

2D – Green

2B – Blue

Years 3 and 4, children to be notified by their teachers.

5H – Green

5M – Red

5TP – Blue

6Burnett – Green

6Branford – Red



Our beautiful flowers!

In nursery we have loved having our new planter to grow things in, over the last few months we have nurtured and cared for a range of flowers that we have grown from bulbs and seeds. The children have loved observing our plants growing, we are all super impressed with our gardening skills! We think our flowers look beautiful and we are all thrilled that the bees love them!