Caterpillar delivery!

Last week nursery we were very excited to receive our caterpillars in the post, they were very small as they had just hatched! We discussed our knowledge of caterpillar to butterfly life cycles from the Eric Carle book of The Hungry Caterpillar. All of the children gently passed them round to have a good look at them.

Yesterday we were amazed at how much are caterpillars have grown over the weekend, we decided they must be thriving from the warm conditions in nursery!

Half term drawings

Over the last week in nursery we have been discussing things we have done in the half term break, some of the children decided to draw a picture of their experiences.

As you can see they produced some fabulous pictures!

Forest School

The children have had a wonderful time throughout their Forest School sessions, recently we have been learning about British Wildlife and how to safely climb trees with their friends!

Exotic Zoo

Yesterday we had some very interesting visitors in school all the way from Exotic Zoo! All of the children were able to take part in an assembly where they learned about the animals with some fascinating facts thrown in too! I wonder if the children can remember the names of the animals we met?

Farm Art!

Over the past few weeks in nursery we have been very creative, with a focus on farms, the children have loved painting, gluing and sticking, and making farm animals!

Making butter!

Last week in nursery we were food producers for a couple of sessions, we all worked brilliantly as a team to turn cream into butter! The children were amazed it changed from a liquid into spreadable butter that they could eat on some nice fresh bread! Super shaking nursery, well done!


Farming and food!

Over the last few weeks in nursery the children have loved learning about farms, We have learned lots about farm animals, food production including crops and even had some real baby chicks visit us from the reception class!


Census Day – Thursday 19th May

Special Menu Census Day School Lunch – St George’s needs your help please! 

It is school census day on Thursday 19th May and the number of free school meals taken on the day will have an effect on our school budget. Therefore, we really need all children who are eligible for a free school meal to have a school dinner on this day. This includes all children in Reception and KS1 as well as those who are eligible in KS2.

School budgets are very tight, and the more meals taken up on this day will mean we will receive more money from the government. We spend this money on resources for learning, additional adults in school to support your children as well as a range of other necessary equipment.

All other children who want a school meal on this day can still do so.
Please see menu for the day below:

Chicken Nuggets/Quorn Nuggets

French Fries

Baked Beans

Selection of Biscuits

Thank you for your continued support.


Saint George’s day celebrations!

Last week in nursery the children loved celebrating Saint George’s Day, we shared and acted out the story of Saint George and the Dragon, explored colour mixing by making bubble wrap printing dragons, dressed in red and white and had lots of discussions relating to knights and dragons!