Easter Work

The children were very busy over the last two weeks of term, with a focus on Easter they had a fabulous time! We decorated bags, shared stories with an Easter theme, had Easter egg hunts, counted eggs, made chocolate nests, Easter cards and produced lots of Easter crafts, including egg cups and decorations. The children made a great effort to write in their cards, it was a joy to see the pride they displayed when writing their names! Super work nursery, we hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

Forest School

Last Wednesday the morning children had their last session of the term in the woodland. They were all very excited, continuing to develop their play themes and independence in the woodland while having lots of fun with their friends. The children showed a massive amount of respect and maturity while experiencing a real campfire, they kept themselves and each other safe while waiting patiently for their toasted marshmallows and digestives to cool. They loved the relaxing and magical feelings produced by the woodland environment and the flickering fire flames!

The bunny hop song!

Throughout our Easter learning the children have loved learning a new action song, here is the link to our favourite bunny hop song in case you would like to give it a go at home, you could teach your family the actions too!

Initial sounds

In nursery over the last half term the children have been busy learning to identify the first sound they hear in a word, we have been sounding out initial sounds and had some fabulous games of name and cvc word eye spy, they are really beginning to get the hang of initial sounds! Super work nursery, well done!

Forest School

The children absolutely loved their Forest school session this week, they learned how to keep themselves safe while navigating the woodland and developing a respect for nature. The children worked hard to develop their looking skills by using binoculars, magnifying glasses, insect pots and we had some wonderful games of hide and seek! Everyone enjoyed exploring the woodland and playing in the natural environment, we all left feeling fabulous and we are already looking forward to next week!

Observing growth

The nursery children have looked after their planted bulbs brilliantly, they have made sure they have the right amount of water, warmth and light with a little comfy soil bed to ensure their plants flourish. The children have loved the responsibility of caring for them and observing how much they have grown, they are developing fabulous gardening skills and cannot wait to see when their flowers bloom! As the children have now taken their plants home to care for any photos showing plant growth can be added to their Tapestry account, we would love to see them in nursery to share their success with their friends.

Mother’s Day

Last week in nursery we shared many stories focusing on mothers, ready for Mother’s Day on Sunday. Throughout the week the children loved thinking about their Mum’s while making them heart keyrings in their favourite colour, decorating cards and having a really good go at writing mum and their own names inside, well done nursery!


Big Walk and Wheel 2022

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel 2022

This week, our school will be taking part in the Big Walk and Wheel event (the new name for Big Pedal), a national competition to get everyone moving.

On each day of the challenge, schools will compete to see who can record the greatest number of pupils, staff and parents walking, cycling or scooting to school.

What do you need to do?

Encourage your child(ren) to walk, use a wheelchair, scoot or cycle to school on as many days as possible during the event. For more information about the event go to https://bigwalkandwheel.org.uk

Good luck!