Nursery love ‘Try it Tuesday!’

Every Tuesday in nursery Miss Whittaker gets the children something new to try at snack time. So far the children have tried a range of things not included in the school fruit scheme. They have all be very brave trying foods they are not sure they will like! So far we have enjoyed melons, kiwis, retro Garibaldi biscuits and raspberries. The children are always very excited to see what we have in the ‘Try it Tuesday’ bag and love guessing what it could be!

Nursery’s ‘field to fork’ week!

Over the last week or two in nursery we have been growing our own cress. We have learned about what plants need to grow and cared for them throughout several stages of growth.

On Wednesday we harvested our crops to produce some delicious three cheese and cress muffins. We all had a brilliant time following the recipe, stirring the mixture and smelling the amazing aroma of the muffins as they cooked! The children loved delivering muffins around school and even got to take one home at the end of their session. You are all super chefs nursery, well done!

Nursery become ‘super shakers’ to make butter!

This week in nursery we have been food producers for a couple of sessions. We all worked brilliantly as a ‘super shaking’ team to turn cream into butter. The children were amazed it changed from a liquid into spreadable butter that they could eat on some nice fresh bread! We then went for a walk around school to deliver our delicious bread and butter to some of the other wonderful people who help us in nursery.

Nursery celebrate Saint George’s day!

Nursery loved celebrating Saint George’s day on Tuesday. In the morning they went on a parade around the field, learned all about Saint George and the dragon and rein-acted the story using the castle, kindly brought in by Mrs Porter!  In the afternoon we coloured our own dragons and learned some of the words to a catchy Saint George song!

The Legend Of St.George | Songs for kids in English | Pep López & Berni Armstrong (



Red Nose Day in nursery!

Nursery had a wonderful day for Red Nose Day, they all loved dressing up and had a brilliant time on the field taking penalty kicks against Shropshire radios Adam Green! In the afternoon we made our own red noses out of crumpets and jam. We learned all about the history of crumpets and decided if we like the taste of the traditional British crumpet!


Career aspirations day in nursery!

Last week in nursery we had a special visitor. Mrs Lees came in to tell us all about the wonderful world of hairdressing! She told us all about the changes in hairdressing over the years, showed us her tools of the trade and even let the children hold the clippers while they were turned on! Mrs Lees told us the thing she likes most about hairdressing is helping peoples happiness and well-being by making them feel good about themselves. Later on in the afternoon the children all drew a picture of what jobs they would like when they are adults.