Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa Baa Black Sheep – Nursery Rhyme Song with Lyrics in French and in  EnglishLast week in nursery we focused on the Nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep, we learned the song, looked at where wool comes from, how it is made and what we can make from wool. We made our hand print sheep for our learning journey books and for our fabulous display on the wall, it was a little tricky cutting the wool but we all tried our best and made super sheep!



Special Educational Needs Parent Voice

At St George’s, we believe parents of children with SEND play an essential part in supporting their children’s progress both in and out of school and we’d love to know what you think about our current SEND provision.

If you have a child with SEND, please could you take two minutes to fill out this questionnaire. Feedback is very important to us so that we can provide the best possible support for children with SEND.

SEND Parent Voice

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch with myself Holly Evans (SENDCo/Inclusion Lead) by calling the school office on 01952387750.

September Newsletter

Hi everyone,

Please see attached newsletter which contains lots of important reminders and information. My apologies for it being so long but we had lots of items to cover. We will also be emailing this out to you.

Also included are information posters regarding this website.

newsletter final 9.9.20

launch poster v2




Communicating with school

Please read the attached letter regarding how to communicate with staff in school. This letter will also be emailed to all parents.

Please note that we are following the Department for Education’s guidance which means that currently parents cannot enter school, including the school office, unless by prior appointment.

communication systems-7.9.20

Thank you for your support and understanding in this matter.


Welcome to Nursery!

Good afternoon, we hope you are well and looking forward to coming to nursery tomorrow, we have been busy tidying and organising the classroom to make sure everything is ready. We cannot wait to welcome you to St George’s School Nursery!

Social story for you to read with your child

Please find attached a simple social story for you to share with your child before they come back to school. The idea of this social story is to help your children begin to understand what school will be like in September.  

Going back to school social story

Don’t forget that this website has lots of information and photos you can show your children, which again may help them to be more confident in returning to school.

On this website, if you go to the parents section and click on school news, you can go back to March and April when most staff uploaded themselves reading stories for the children. If you watch some of these with your child, this may be a good way to help them get used to their new teacher and teaching assistants as well as seeing more familiar staff faces.  

We really are very much looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school in September. Don’t forget that detailed information for starting back was sent out via email at the end of term. School staff will be back in school on Tuesday 1st September should you have any queries.  

I hope you enjoy the rest of the holidays and we will see you all on Wednesday 2nd September.

 Kind regards, 

Mrs Sixsmith

Head Teacher


End of year prayer.

Loving God,
At the end of the school year
we give you thanks
for all that we have achieved together.
We remember times when it was fun,
times when we needed help
and times when we gave our help to others.
Thank you for each person in our school community
who has helped us to learn.
Thank you for our classmates
who have become our friends.
Give encouragement and confidence to those
moving onto new schools,
and bless us with rest and enjoyment in the coming holiday.